發(fā)布時間:2020-11-15 18:56
隨著社會經(jīng)濟和建設技術的發(fā)展,新的建筑結構形式不斷涌現(xiàn)。工業(yè)廠房結構體系采用混凝土柱與折線形鋼梁輕型房屋結構的形式越來越普遍,該結構形式能充分發(fā)揮鋼筋混凝土柱剛度大、抗壓強度高、防火防腐性能好的特點和折線形鋼梁抗彎能力好、自重輕的優(yōu)勢,并且采用鋼筋混凝土柱時,可以配以輕質(zhì)砌體墻,能夠解決房屋保溫和墻體耐久性的問題;上部采用輕質(zhì)高強、便于加工和安裝的鋼梁及輕型屋面,可提高施工速度,降低施工成本。但是,現(xiàn)行的建筑結構規(guī)范對這種新結構體系的受力特點、設計及應用等沒有明確規(guī)定,給設計和施工造成困難。因此,正確理解與分析鋼筋混凝土柱與折線形鋼梁結構體系的力學性能是我國建筑結構領域中需要解決的重要問題。鋼筋混凝土柱與折線形鋼梁結構體系的研究符合國家“低碳、節(jié)能、環(huán)!钡睦砟,對中國綠色建筑工業(yè)化的發(fā)展具有十分重要的現(xiàn)實意義和戰(zhàn)略性意義。折線形鋼梁的安全可靠是保證這種新的結構體系正常工作的必要條件,它是結構體系的核心,深入研究折線形鋼梁結構體系的受力性能是合理設計與應用應此類構件的前提。雖國內(nèi)外學者對混凝土柱與鋼梁混合結構進行了一些研究,但目前關于折線形鋼梁結構體系的研究甚少。鋼梁截面正應力分析計算是鋼梁設計與計算中必要的計算過程,本文在張治新、黃軍超于2015年國內(nèi)外首次做的5種不同坡度折線形鋼梁的試驗結果基礎上,對折線形鋼梁在豎向荷載作用下的正應力狀態(tài)進行試驗,并結合ANSYS有限元模擬分析,對兩端鉸接折線形鋼梁在豎向荷載作用下的正應力狀態(tài)進行了進一步驗證,具體研究分析結果如下:1、通過在集中荷載作用下折線形鋼梁試驗過程中的正截面應變狀態(tài),分析得出在集中荷載作用下折線形鋼梁的跨中截面應變狀態(tài)為接近線性變化關系、且基本符合平截面假定,在折線型鋼梁跨中截面的中和軸位置區(qū)別于無曲折直線形鋼梁,位于截面中心線以下。2、基于現(xiàn)有的折線形鋼梁水平推力的研究成果,從理論角度進行豎向荷載作用下的折線形鋼梁截面應力狀態(tài)分析;通過折線形鋼梁三個不同部位的截面應力分析得出,應力分布狀態(tài)跟試驗分析結果較吻合,其最大正應力產(chǎn)生位置不一定是跨中位置,在具體工程設計計算時要引起重視。3、以有限元軟件ANSYS Workbench為研究平臺建立分析模型,進行了仿真模擬分析,通過分析試驗時的應變狀態(tài)和理論分析的應變狀態(tài)結果,進一步驗證實際受力狀態(tài)下的折線形鋼梁截面正應力計算方法,為折線形鋼梁計算與設計提供借鑒。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research background and significance
1.2 Research status at home and abroad
1.2.1 Research status abroad
1.2.2 Research status in China
1.3 The main content of this paper
Chapter 2 Experimental design of linear steel girder
2.1 Preface
2.1.1 Specimen design and production
2.1.2 Loading system
2.1.3 Load testing
2.1.4 Component failure/Failure modes
2.1.5 Failure scenario
2.1.6 Mechanical failure
2.1.7 Load-section strain experimental result
Chapter: 3 Theoretical Analysis of the Stress and Neutral Axis of the Broken linesteel beam
3.1 Preface
3.2 Test phenomena and damage patterns
3.2.1 Test phenomenon
3.2.2 Failure pattern
3.3 Theoretical analysis of the stress inheritance
3.3.1 Basic analysis of elastic-plastic bending
3.3.2 Stress distribution
ζ1'> 3.3.3 Ifζ2>ζ1
3.3.4 Ifζ2
3.3.5 Stress of the Beam under Limit State
3.4 Neutral axis positions
3.5 Chapter summary
Chapter 4: Bending, Neutral Axis and Stress Equations Calculation of the BeamLoad in Uniform Loaded Supported on Both Ends
4.1 Preface
4.1.1 Drawing the UDL
4.2 force
4.3 Theroretical analysis of the stress
4.3.1 Simple shear stress
4.3.2 Bending Stress
4.3.3 Procedures for determining bending stresses Stress at a Given Point
4.4 Neutral axis positions
4.5 Chapter summary
Chapter 5: Finite Element Simulation Analysis (FEA) of the Broken line steelbeam
5.1 Preface
5.2 Finite element method analysis process
5.2.1 Steel properties
5.2.2 The basic properties of steel
5.2.3 Model establishment and meshing
5.2.4 Boundary conditions
5.2.5 Applied load and convergence control
5.3 Finite element simulation results
5.3.1 Overall stress analysis
5.4 Position of Neutral Axis
5.5 Chapter summary
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modelling Analysis of a Steel Beam UniformingDistrubuted Load (UDL)
6.1 Preface
6.2 Steel properties
6.2.1 Stress Strain Curve or Diagram
6.2.2 Model establishment and meshing
6.2.3 Using New Meshing Features in ansys workbenchSimulation
6.2.4 Overall stress analysis
6.3. Position of the neutral axis
6.4 chapter summary
Chapter7. Comparison and Interpretation of the Results of the DifferentPrototype Steel Beams
7.1 Experimental and theorical comaparion Results
7.1.2 Experimental test results of the of the Broken line steel beam
7.2 Theoretical results of the Broken line steel beam
Chapter 8 Conclusion and Prospect
8.1 Conclusion
8.2 Looking ahead
Appendix A Thesis published during the master's degree study
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research background and significance
1.2 Research status at home and abroad
1.2.1 Research status abroad
1.2.2 Research status in China
1.3 The main content of this paper
Chapter 2 Experimental design of linear steel girder
2.1 Preface
2.1.1 Specimen design and production
2.1.2 Loading system
2.1.3 Load testing
2.1.4 Component failure/Failure modes
2.1.5 Failure scenario
2.1.6 Mechanical failure
2.1.7 Load-section strain experimental result
Chapter: 3 Theoretical Analysis of the Stress and Neutral Axis of the Broken linesteel beam
3.1 Preface
3.2 Test phenomena and damage patterns
3.2.1 Test phenomenon
3.2.2 Failure pattern
3.3 Theoretical analysis of the stress inheritance
3.3.1 Basic analysis of elastic-plastic bending
3.3.2 Stress distribution
ζ1'> 3.3.3 Ifζ2>ζ1
3.3.4 Ifζ2
3.3.5 Stress of the Beam under Limit State
3.4 Neutral axis positions
3.5 Chapter summary
Chapter 4: Bending, Neutral Axis and Stress Equations Calculation of the BeamLoad in Uniform Loaded Supported on Both Ends
4.1 Preface
4.1.1 Drawing the UDL
4.2 force
4.3 Theroretical analysis of the stress
4.3.1 Simple shear stress
4.3.2 Bending Stress
4.3.3 Procedures for determining bending stresses Stress at a Given Point
4.4 Neutral axis positions
4.5 Chapter summary
Chapter 5: Finite Element Simulation Analysis (FEA) of the Broken line steelbeam
5.1 Preface
5.2 Finite element method analysis process
5.2.1 Steel properties
5.2.2 The basic properties of steel
5.2.3 Model establishment and meshing
5.2.4 Boundary conditions
5.2.5 Applied load and convergence control
5.3 Finite element simulation results
5.3.1 Overall stress analysis
5.4 Position of Neutral Axis
5.5 Chapter summary
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modelling Analysis of a Steel Beam UniformingDistrubuted Load (UDL)
6.1 Preface
6.2 Steel properties
6.2.1 Stress Strain Curve or Diagram
6.2.2 Model establishment and meshing
6.2.3 Using New Meshing Features in ansys workbenchSimulation
6.2.4 Overall stress analysis
6.3. Position of the neutral axis
6.4 chapter summary
Chapter7. Comparison and Interpretation of the Results of the DifferentPrototype Steel Beams
7.1 Experimental and theorical comaparion Results
7.1.2 Experimental test results of the of the Broken line steel beam
7.2 Theoretical results of the Broken line steel beam
Chapter 8 Conclusion and Prospect
8.1 Conclusion
8.2 Looking ahead
Appendix A Thesis published during the master's degree study
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