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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-01 12:21

  本文選題:稽查選案 + 評(píng)價(jià)指標(biāo)體系 ; 參考:《江西師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the development and change of the economic situation, the management mode of tax inspection should be constantly transformed. In order to give full play to the audit function and improve the quality of case selection, the State Administration of Taxation has also attached more importance to risk management at present. Therefore, how to design an analytical model to evaluate taxpayers' tax risk to achieve scientific and accurate case selection, It has become an important subject in the optimization of audit and case selection at present. Based on the practice of tax inspection, this paper systematically studies the local tax inspection cases of rubber and plastic manufacturing enterprises based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP). First of all, this paper expounds the background and significance of the current tax audit cases, and reviews the relevant literature at home and abroad. Secondly, it introduces the meaning, function and basic working procedure of tax audit, as well as the process of case source management, and puts forward the theoretical basis of tax audit case selection by using the theory of risk management and financial management. Thirdly, the paper briefly analyzes the main tax risk performance of rubber and plastic manufacturing enterprises, and constructs the index system of local tax inspection and selection of Taizhou rubber and plastic manufacturing enterprises based on AHP. Through the expert scoring method to collect scoring data, through the calculation of the index weight; then based on the actual data of the selected rubber and plastic manufacturing enterprises in Taizhou to carry out empirical research, the research object of the comprehensive evaluation of the case selection index. Through the actual audit results of selected samples to test whether the constructed index system has certain applicability. Finally, the practical application conditions, ideas and significance of constructing the case selection model are put forward.


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