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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-31 22:47

  本文選題:上市軍企 + 技術(shù)效率; 參考:《南昌大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of the merger and reorganization of military enterprises and the deepening of the strategy of military and civil integration, the scale efficiency of military enterprises in our country has been further revealed, and the scope of private enterprises participating in the national defense construction has gradually expanded. However, under the influence of the inertia of the planned economy system and the particularity of the military industry, most listed military enterprises generally have problems such as low scale efficiency, unreasonable equity distribution, insufficient R & D investment, imperfect personnel training mechanism, and so on. Finally, the technical efficiency of listed military enterprises will be limited to some extent. Therefore, to study the technical efficiency of listed military enterprises in China and its influencing factors, to optimize the allocation of resources, to improve management, to achieve business objectives, to formulate a strategy for the development of military industry, to implement a strategy for the integration of military and civil affairs, and to enhance the comprehensive strength of national defense. Safeguard international competitive position, have important realistic meaning. This paper firstly combs the domestic and foreign research literature, expounds the existing efficiency theory, compares several commonly used measurement methods and their advantages and disadvantages, and then determines the selection of DEA method to measure the technical efficiency of listed military enterprises in China. By constructing an index system of 3 inputs and 2 outputs, the following conclusions are drawn: the comprehensive technical efficiency of most listed military enterprises in China is ideal, but the overall technology is not effective. The level of pure technical efficiency is obviously higher than that of scale efficiency. The reason why the comprehensive technical efficiency is not high lies in the low scale efficiency of enterprises. However, the problem of too small scale and technical inefficiency in individual cases should be paid attention to prevent its deterioration. Based on the efficiency value measured by DEA method and combined with the characteristics of the military industry, this paper selects seven specific indicators from five aspects: equity layout, R & D investment, human capital, enterprise capability and enterprise scale. Panel Tobit model is used to analyze the influencing factors of technical efficiency. The conclusions are as follows: the state-owned shareholding has obvious restraining effect on technical efficiency, the proportion of highly educated personnel, the total asset turnover rate, the total asset return rate, the enterprise scale, and so on. Equity checks and balances and R & D expenditure can promote them, but the latter two effects are not significant. In addition, by comparing with the regression results of OLS and ordinary Tobit, it can be seen that the influence factors are basically stable, and the panel Tobit model can effectively avoid the parameter estimation deviation caused by OLS regression. Finally, according to the above two empirical conclusions, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward in the hope of improving the technical efficiency of listed military enterprises in China, in order to obtain more economic benefits and realize sustainable development.


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