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  本文選題:飲酒 + 測量方法; 參考:《昆明醫(yī)科大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:目的研究顯示,有害飲酒對人群造成的危害已經(jīng)到了非常嚴(yán)重的程度,國外對飲酒研究形成了較為成熟的測量方法體系。許多國家也制定了限制飲酒的政策,并取得了良好的社會效益。國內(nèi)在飲酒調(diào)查方法方面的研究還比較欠缺,而在限制飲酒方面,中國與其他國家和地區(qū)相比,在酒精政策的許多方面顯得相對薄弱,特別是關(guān)于稅收、禁止向未成年人售酒、酒精供應(yīng)及營銷策略的許可證制度等。希望通過本項目的研究,可以為飲酒調(diào)查方法的后續(xù)研究及應(yīng)用提供些許參考。以便于最終確定適合我國實際情況的測量方法體系,盡可能準(zhǔn)確的反應(yīng)我國不同人群的飲酒狀況。同時根據(jù)研究結(jié)果,為政府及相關(guān)部門,采取相應(yīng)預(yù)防干預(yù)措施、制定政策減少人群有害飲酒,最終提高人群的健康素質(zhì)提供有益的參考,并根據(jù)結(jié)果提出控制有害飲酒方面的建議。方法采用多階段抽樣的方法抽取云南省某市5個鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)574名≥12歲在當(dāng)?shù)鼐幼r間超過6個月及以上的苗族、彝族、漢族農(nóng)村居民為研究對象。收集居民基本情況、周邊飲酒環(huán)境和四種調(diào)查方法所得的飲酒情況。結(jié)果本次調(diào)查的人群以飲用白酒和啤酒為主,白酒在數(shù)量頻率法、嘗試水平法、過去7天法和簡單昨天法中飲用的比例分別為35.71%、28.75%、22.47%、18.64%,啤酒則分別為 17.42%、6.62%、3.66%和 1.92%。四種方法均折合成一年的酒精攝入量,數(shù)量頻率法得到的人均年純酒精攝入量為4772.57g,其次為嘗試水平法3975.29g,過去7天法3092.25g,簡單昨天法2693.67g。對飲酒者而言,人均年酒精攝入量中位數(shù)最高的是簡單昨天法,其次依次為過去7天法、嘗試水平法和數(shù)量頻率法。簡單昨天法和過去7天法得到的飲酒者人均每天酒精攝入量的中位數(shù)大于嘗試水平法和數(shù)量頻率法。在有飲酒的時間內(nèi),飲酒者人均每天的酒精攝入量中位數(shù)最高的為嘗試水平法,其次依次為過去7天法、數(shù)量頻率法和簡單昨天法。根據(jù)國際飲酒監(jiān)測和相關(guān)危害指南對有害飲酒的判定標(biāo)準(zhǔn),四種方法得到的有害飲酒率由高到低依次為數(shù)量頻率法17.8%、嘗試水平法13.6%、過去7天法9.2%和簡單昨天法8.0%。對過量飲酒影響因素的分析發(fā)現(xiàn),家庭成員飲酒人數(shù)越多、不良的朋友飲酒環(huán)境、飲酒年限越長及更高的文化傳承得分(β=0.083)能促發(fā)人群過量飲酒的發(fā)生,女性(β=—2.101)、對飲酒危害的認(rèn)識越清晰過量飲酒的可能性更小。除此外,室外酒精飲料廣告、較好的酒精飲料可及性也可能加大過量飲酒的可能性。結(jié)論數(shù)量頻率法更適合用于調(diào)查人均年酒精攝入量。對飲酒者而言,雖然簡單昨天法和過去7天法回憶偏倚較小,但這兩種方法涵蓋的飲酒者較少,容易遺失最近7天沒有飲酒,但實際上飲酒的人群,因此不適合用來調(diào)查人均年酒精攝入量。四種方法用于收集人群飲酒情況時各有優(yōu)劣,單一的方法可能無法全面反映人群實際的飲酒情況,因此多種方法綜合使用,獲得的人群飲酒結(jié)果可能更為準(zhǔn)確。通過健康宣傳教育,減少家庭成員飲酒人數(shù),抵制不良的朋友飲酒環(huán)境及有害的飲酒文化是控制過量飲酒行為發(fā)生的重要措施。這些措施對防止青少年過早飲酒,減少中老年人群過量飲酒具有重要意義。對于政府而言,加強(qiáng)家庭自釀酒的監(jiān)管、酒精購買人群年齡限制及酒精廣告的規(guī)范管理是順應(yīng)“健康中國”戰(zhàn)略建設(shè),需要在今后重點加強(qiáng)的地方。
[Abstract]:Objective research shows that harmful drinking has been very serious to the population, and a more mature measurement system has been developed abroad for drinking research. Many countries have also formulated a policy to limit alcohol consumption and have achieved good social benefits. In terms of limiting alcohol consumption, China is relatively weak in many aspects of alcohol policy compared with other countries and regions, especially on taxes, prohibiting the sale of alcohol to minors, the licensing of alcohol supply and marketing strategies. To facilitate the final determination of the measurement system suitable for the actual situation in China and to respond to the drinking conditions of different populations in China as accurately as possible. At the same time, according to the results of the study, the government and relevant departments should adopt corresponding preventive intervention measures, formulate policies to reduce the harmful drinking and drink wine, and ultimately improve the health quality of the population. A multi stage sampling method was used to extract 574 Miao, Yi and Han Rural Residents in 5 towns of Yunnan Province, who were more than 12 years old and over 6 months or more. The basic situation of residents, the surrounding drinking environment and four kinds of investigative parties were collected. The results of the drinking alcohol consumption. Results the population was mainly drinking liquor and beer, liquor in the quantitative frequency method, the trial level method, the proportion of drinking in the past 7 days and simple yesterday method were 35.71%, 28.75%, 22.47%, 18.64% respectively, and the beer were 17.42%, 6.62%, 3.66% and 1.92%., four methods were all reduced to one year of alcohol intake. The average annual alcohol intake of per capita was 4772.57g, followed by the trial level method 3975.29g, the last 7 days method 3092.25g, the simple yesterday method 2693.67g. for drinkers, the average annual alcohol intake per capita was the simple yesterday method, followed by the past 7 days, the trial level method and the quantitative frequency method. The median per day alcohol intake per person obtained by the yesterday and the past 7 days was greater than the trial level method and the quantitative frequency method. In the time of drinking, the highest average alcohol intake per person per day was the trial level method, followed by the past 7 days, the quantitative frequency method and the simple yesterday method. Alcohol drinking monitoring and related hazard guidelines for the determination of harmful alcohol drinking, the four methods of harmful drinking rate from high to low were 17.8% in order of quantitative frequency, 13.6% in the trial level method. The analysis of the influence factors of excessive drinking in the past 7 days method 9.2% and simple yesterday method 8.0%. found that the more people drinking in the family, the bad friends drank Environment, the longer the years of drinking and the higher cultural heritage score (beta =0.083) can promote the occurrence of excessive drinking in the population, women (beta = 2.101), the more clear and more likely to drink alcohol is less likely to be aware of the risk of drinking. In addition, the advertising of outdoor alcoholic beverages, the availability of better alcoholic beverages, may also increase the possibility of excessive drinking. The quantitative frequency method is more suitable for investigating the annual alcohol intake per person. For drinkers, although the simple yesterday method and the past 7 day recollection bias are less, the two methods cover less drinkers and lose the last 7 days without drinking, but the people who are actually drinking are not suitable for investigating per capita annual alcohol intake. Four A single method can not fully reflect the actual drinking situation of the population when it is used to collect the drinking situation of the population. Therefore, the comprehensive use of various methods may be more accurate. Through health education, the number of drinking alcohol in family members is reduced, the drinking environment of bad friends and the harmful effects of drinking are also resisted. Drinking culture is an important measure to control excessive drinking. These measures are of great significance to prevent young people from drinking too early and reduce excessive drinking in the middle and old age groups. For the government, the regulation of family self making, the age limit of the alcohol buying crowd and the standard management of alcohol advertising are conforming to the "healthy China" war. It needs to be strengthened in the future.


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