
當前位置:主頁 > 法律論文 > 刑法論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2019-07-22 09:21
[Abstract]:In accordance with the provisions of Article 176 of the Criminal Law, the subject of the crime of refusing to pay labor remuneration is the "user", including natural persons and employers. Different from organs, groups and institutions, in judicial practice, due to the diversity of economic organization forms such as companies, enterprises (including partnership enterprises) and the complexity of actual operation, how to accurately define the subject of natural persons who refuse to pay labor remuneration needs to be further explored. 1. The legal representative is not, of course, the "person in charge directly in charge". In accordance with the provisions of Article 176, paragraph 2, of the Criminal Law, the subject of the crime of refusing to pay labor remuneration includes the unit
【作者單位】: 江蘇省靖江市人民檢察院;


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