

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-24 05:25

  本文選題:ADCY + 基因多態(tài)性; 參考:《營養(yǎng)學報》2017年04期

【摘要】:目的探討腺苷酸環(huán)化酶3(adenylate cyclase 3,ADCY3)基因多態(tài)性與脂肪肝易感性間的關系。方法采用橫斷面研究,以整群隨機抽樣的方法抽取浙江省寧波市當地常住居民1964人。采用標簽SNP方法篩選ADCY3基因的12個位點。采用連接酶檢測反應技術進行基因分型檢測。采用多因素Logistic回歸模型分析ADCY3基因多態(tài)性與脂肪肝易感性間的關系。結果在校正了年齡、性別等因素后,rs4665273位點TT基因型者患脂肪肝的危險性是CC基因型者的0.25倍(OR=0.25,95%CI=0.07~0.93);rs7593130位點CC基因型患脂肪肝的危險性是TT基因型者的3.33倍(OR=3.33,95%CI=1.16~9.56);rs1344840位點TT基因型患脂肪肝的危險性是CC基因型者的4.00倍(OR=4.00,95%CI=1.08~14.76)。結論 ADCY3基因多態(tài)性可能與脂肪肝發(fā)生風險有關。其中,rs4665273位點TT基因型是脂肪肝的保護性因素,而rs7593130位點CC基因型和rs1344840位點TT基因型是脂肪肝的危險因素。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the relationship between the polymorphism of adenylate cyclase 3(adenylate cyclase 3 (ADCY 3) gene and the susceptibility to fatty liver. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted to select 1964 resident residents in Ningbo, Zhejiang province. The 12 loci of ADCY3 gene were screened by tag SNP method. The genotyping was detected by ligase assay. Multivariate Logistic regression model was used to analyze the relationship between ADCY3 gene polymorphism and fatty liver susceptibility. The result is that the age is adjusted, The risk of fatty liver in patients with TT genotype rs4665273 after sex was 0.25 times higher than that with CC genotype 0.25995. The risk of fatty liver of CC genotype was 3.33 times higher than that of TT genotype 3.3395CI1.169.5644840. The risk of fatty liver of CC genotype was 3.333 times higher than that of TT genotype. It was 4.00 times as much as that of CC genotype. Conclusion ADCY3 gene polymorphism may be associated with the risk of fatty liver. TT genotype at rs4665273 was the protective factor of fatty liver, while CC genotype at rs7593130 locus and TT genotype at rs1344840 locus were risk factors of fatty liver.
【作者單位】: 杭州師范大學醫(yī)學院預防醫(yī)學系;
【基金】:浙江省自然科學基金青年基金(No.LQ16H260002) 杭州市社會發(fā)展自主申報項目(No.20160533B02)


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