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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-06-19 09:22
【摘要】:研究目的: 通過觀察治療前后過敏性咳嗽主要療效指標(biāo)的變化,客觀評價(jià)養(yǎng)陰清肺,祛風(fēng)止咳法治療小兒過敏性咳嗽陰虛證的臨床療效、安全性。 研究方法: 采用隨機(jī)、對照的臨床試驗(yàn)方法,將符合小兒過敏性咳嗽的66例患兒隨機(jī)分為兩組,中藥組、西藥組各33例,中藥組(湯劑):以“南沙參10g、麥冬10g、炙百部10g、法半夏6g、鉤藤8g、稀簽草15g、紫草15g、炙冬花10g、佛耳草10g”為主方辨證治療。每日1劑。西藥組:口服西替利嗪糖漿(貝分),臨床上一般是1ml/歲,1次/天。兩組均以7天為1個(gè)療程,治療并觀察2個(gè)療程。觀察兩組在治療前后咳嗽發(fā)作頻率、咳嗽程度及鼻癢、噴嚏、流涕、面色、汗出、食欲、大便等癥狀的改善情況。 研究結(jié)果: 兩組在降低咳嗽發(fā)作頻率、咳嗽程度方面均有療效(P0.05),對鼻癢噴嚏、流涕、出汗、面色等的改善亦有明顯療效(P0.05),但在食欲、大便、汗出的改善方面,西藥組無統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義(P0.05),中藥組有顯著統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義(P0.01),故較之西藥組具有明顯優(yōu)勢。兩組主要癥狀療效比較差異無統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義(P0.05),其中中藥組痊愈顯效率為48%,總有效率為90.91%;西藥組痊愈顯效率為37.50%,總有效率亦為89.50%。中醫(yī)證候療效判定中藥組明顯優(yōu)于西藥組(P0.05),其中總有效率:中藥組為100%,西藥組為66.67%。說明在改善過敏性咳嗽肺陰虛癥候方面,中藥組明顯優(yōu)于西藥組。兩組治療期間均未見不良反應(yīng)。 結(jié)論: 養(yǎng)陰清肺,祛風(fēng)止咳治療小兒過敏性咳嗽肺陰虛證是有效和安全的方法。
[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the changes of main curative effects of allergic cough before and after treatment, and to objectively evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of nourishing yin and clearing lung and dispelling wind and relieving cough in the treatment of allergic cough yin deficiency syndrome in children. Methods: 66 children with allergic cough in children were randomly divided into two groups: traditional Chinese medicine group (n = 33), western medicine group (n = 33) and traditional Chinese medicine group (decoction). The main prescription was "Nansha ginseng 10g, Ophiopogon officinalis 10g, grilled 100 parts 10g, Pinellia ternata 6g, raspberry 8g, rare signature grass 15g, shikweed 15g, hot winter flower 10g, berbergrass 10g". One dose a day. Western medicine group: oral cetirizin syrup (shellfish), usually 1ml/ years old, once a day. Both groups were treated with 7 days as a course of treatment and observed for 2 courses. The frequency of cough, the degree of cough and the improvement of nasal itching, sneezing, runny nose, facial color, sweating, appetite and stool were observed before and after treatment. Results: the two groups were effective in reducing the frequency of cough attack and the degree of cough (P 0.05), and also had obvious effect on the improvement of nasal itching sneezing, runny nose, sweating and facial color (P 0.05), but there was no significant difference in appetite, stool and sweating in the western medicine group (P 0.05), but there was significant statistical significance in the traditional Chinese medicine group (P 0.01), so it had obvious advantages over the western medicine group. There was no significant difference in the curative effect of the main symptoms between the two groups (P 0.05). The effective rate was 48% and the total effective rate was 90.91% in the drug group and 37.50% in the western medicine group and 89.50% in the western medicine group. The curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine group was significantly better than that of western medicine group (P 0.05). The total effective rate was 100% in traditional Chinese medicine group and 66.67% in western medicine group. It shows that the traditional Chinese medicine group is obviously superior to the western medicine group in improving the syndrome of allergic cough and deficiency of lung yin. No adverse reactions were found in both groups during treatment. Conclusion: nourishing yin and clearing lung, dispelling wind and relieving cough is an effective and safe method in the treatment of allergic cough with deficiency of lung yin in children.


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