

發(fā)布時間:2024-04-08 03:46
  在相關(guān)領(lǐng)域,對于具體詩的討論十分常見,研究者們也廣泛地開展了具體詩的研究。然而,在這一方面的諸多研究中,很少有研究從書寫變異角度對比分析中英文具體詩。 本文依據(jù)王守元對書寫變異的分類,從對比分析入手,旨在討論中英文具體詩中書寫變異的異同。作者選取了包含了不同書寫變異且具有代表性的10首中文具體詩和10首英文具體詩作為研究對象。通過研究,該論文主要回答三個方面的問題:1.中英文具體詩中的書寫變異的相同點和不同點。2.造成中英文具體詩中書寫變異異同的主要原因。3.書寫變異對中英文具體詩的影響。 在研究樣本中英文具體詩中的書寫變異情況到中英文具體詩書寫變異差異的原因的過程中,論文采用了從微觀到宏觀,定量到定性的分析路徑。 基于對統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)的分析,論文得出如下結(jié)論:書寫變異對具體詩的視覺影響為:突出、豐富想象力和產(chǎn)生模糊感;英文具體詩中書寫變異形式多于中文具體詩;造成中英文具體詩書寫變異相同的原因是非常規(guī)的詩歌風格和立體的視覺詩歌形式,而造成書寫變異在中英文具體詩中不同的則是文化差異和不同的交流方式。 論文的研究意義在于深化了人們對中英文具體詩中書寫變異的理解和賞析,探索了具體詩的作者在中英文具...

【文章頁數(shù)】:58 頁


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Concrete Poetry
        1.1.1 Definition of Concrete Poetry
        1.1.2 Development of Concrete Poetry
        1.1.3 Concrete Poetry in China
    1.2 Graphological Deviation
        1.2.1 Definition of Graphological Deviation
        1.2.2 Research on Graphological Deviation
        1.2.3 Classification of Graphological Deviation
    1.3 Purpose and Significance of This Study
    1.4 Layout of The Thesis
Chapter 2 Research Methodology
    2.1 Research Questions
    2.2 Data Collection
    2.3 Quantitative Analysis Adopted in The Study
    2.4 Qualitative Analysis Adopted in The Study
    2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Results and Discussion about Data Analysis
    3.1 Similarities in Graphological Deviation between English and Chinese Concrete Poetry
    3.2 Differences in Graphological Deviation between English and Chinese Concrete Poetry
        3.2.1 Shape of Text
        3.2.2 Types of Print
        3.2.3 Grammetrics in two corpora
    3.3 Major Features of The Graphological Deviation between English and Chinese Concrete Poetry
Chapter 4 Discussion about Possible Factors, Effects
    4.1 The Possible Reasons to Employ The Graphological Deviation in English and Chinese Concrete Poetry
        4.1.1 For The Sake of Style
        4.1.2 Enriching the Content and Form of Concrete Poetry
    4.2 The Reasons for The Differences of Graphological Deviation in English and Chinese Concrete Poetry
        4.2.1 Cultural Distinctions
        4.2.2 The Ways of Communication
    4.3 The Effects of Graphological Deviation in English and Chinese Concrete Poetry
        4.3.1 Producing Foregrounding
        4.3.2 Creating Images
        4.3.3 Creating Ambiguity
    4.4 Summary
Chapter 5 Conclusion
    5.1 Findings of The Research
    5.2 Limitations and Weaknesses of The Study
    5.3 Suggestions for Future Researcher
Appendix List of English and Chinese concrete poetris in the corpora
Publications While Registered with the MA Program




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