

發(fā)布時間:2018-07-14 16:15
[Abstract]:By presenting the oppressive physical space, the alienated individual spiritual space and the unbalanced social space in the London society, the novel "London site" by contemporary famous British writer Martin Amis reveals the desolate discipline of the English cities at the end of the 20th century. The disorder and imbalance of London society are further aggravated by the morbid distortion of the individual in the city. Guided by the theory of space, this paper discusses the theme of alienation and imbalance of the novel from three levels: physical space, individual spiritual space and social space. Thus, this paper tries to explain and present four absurd phenomena in the materialistic society: the decline of urban ecological civilization, the weakening of individual ethics, the lack of social humanistic care and the alienation of social interpersonal relationship. The main body of the thesis is divided into three parts: the second chapter mainly discusses the macroscopic view of decadent London. Spider-web is not only a simple natural phenomenon, but also a repressive space for the characters of the novel. Keith's TV is no longer a traditional entertainment tool. The Klinch family lived not only as a space for people's activities, but also as a symbol of their lives and social status, which reflected the distinct gap between the rich and the poor in London at that time. Based on these physical spaces, the spiritual space of characters is also out of balance and alienation. The third chapter mainly discusses the distortion of the hollow man Nikola, the life of Keith, the crook, and the loss and depravity of the hypocrite Guy. The alienated individual spiritual space further intensifies the disorder and imbalance of social space. The fourth chapter reveals the fear and numbness of the London cemetery, the indifference and alienation of the characters' family relationship and the sick and disgusting living atmosphere immersed by Nicole and Guy, thus presenting the imbalance and disorder of the London society on different levels. In London Field, the repressed living space suppresses the individual's subjective cognition, and the discipline class system restricts the individual's identity construction. The disorder and imbalance of London society are aggravated by the dissimilation of blind consumption and money worship and the alienation of individual spiritual space. The novel reveals the discipline of the English city, the hypocrisy of the individual ethics and morality, and the material difference of the great disparity in London, which finally leads to the necessity of the social imbalance and disorder, which is the inevitable result of the serious crisis in the whole capitalist society.


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