

發(fā)布時間:2018-07-13 12:05
[Abstract]:With the development of Western New Science and New rational philosophy, a cross-century debate broke out in Europe from the end of the 17th century to the beginning of the 18th century, which is called the "dispute between the Ancient and the Modern", which can be regarded as the iconic cultural event in the history of western modern ideas. Between the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, Has extremely profound ideological history significance. The controversy revolves around Homer's problem, and then the question of which is the best of ancient and modern knowledge makes the intellectuals in Europe split into two camps: "worshiping ancient school" and "worshiping modern school". In this great debate which almost shook the whole European intellectual circle, the surface is how to evaluate Homer's question, but the essence is the sharp opposition between modern new scientific knowledge and classical knowledge. By examining how Vico in the controversy between ancient and modern times reconciled the differences between the two camps through the Homer issue, this paper restarted the internal relationship between Homer's problem and modernity. In order to look back at China's own cultural tradition in the "ancient and modern disputes" and the modern situation of the epic tradition of Chinese minorities.
【作者單位】: 中國社會科學(xué)院民族文學(xué)研究所;


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