[Abstract]:Starting with the theoretical research on the development and characteristics of traditional Chinese seat, the paper analyzes the historical position, evolution process, variety type and overall image of official hat chair. This paper makes a targeted study on the formal characteristics and cultural significance of the official hat chair and the decorative features and cultural significance of the official hat chair, and points out that the form and decoration significance of the official hat chair are the comprehensive embodiment of Chinese traditional culture, and analyzes it and architecture, art, etc. The relationship between philosophy, folklore and other traditional Chinese cultures, and the significance of official hat chair and decoration for modern furniture design are also put forward. After the development of Chinese traditional furniture in Tang Dynasty, the furniture of Gao Block gradually increased and improved, and gradually matured in Ming Dynasty. Seats are generally bench type, chair class. Chair refers to the seat with a back, including the back chair, armchair, armchair (folding chair), armchair, and so on. Armchair refers to both the back and the armchair (except for the chair, the armchair, the throne). The armchair mainly includes two types: one is the rose chair; the other is the armchair. The official hat chair combines the advantages of Ming-style furniture and is one of the classic types in the history of Chinese traditional armchair development. The evolution of official hat chair mainly experienced three periods: the embryonic stage of Sui and Tang dynasties, the forming period of Song Dynasty and the brilliant period of Ming Dynasty. From the overall form analysis of furniture, the official cap chair can be divided into two kinds: "four head" official cap chair and south official cap chair. The official hat chair is called the official hat chair because its whole shape has the image characteristic of the official hat. Moreover, the overall image of the official hat chair has the symbolic significance of "gaining fame and pursuing official career". The formal characteristics of official cap chair mainly depend on its whole constitution form, and the whole constitution form of official hat chair means the whole constitution state of official hat chair form. In the whole constitution, the official hat chair is constituted according to the law of formal beauty, and it is manifested as a "meaningful form". In the rule of formal beauty, the integral form of official hat chair mainly respects the principles of proportionality, symmetry and balance, and change and unity. Moreover, it insinuates the existence of a life form in the aspect of proportion, the traditional aesthetic thought of "neutralization" in symmetry and balance, and the dialectical relationship between the commonness and individuality of beauty in the aspect of change and unity. The form of official hat chair is the experience of traditional mainstream thought. The adornment of official hat chair can be divided into partial adornment and whole adornment two kinds. The partial decoration of the official hat chair refers to the decorative form of decoration and embellishment in the official hat chair, which is mainly manifested in three types: engraving decoration with pattern attribute, wood grain decoration with embellishment, and component decoration with practicability and adornment. The whole decoration of the official hat chair includes two meanings: first, according to the law of formal beauty, the whole official hat chair can be made into a decorative monomer with a certain decorative significance and become a decorative element in the appropriate environment; second, In order to realize the harmony and unity of the whole form of the official hat chair, the local decoration of the official hat chair is composed according to the law of formal beauty. Moreover, in the aspect of partial decoration pattern, the spirit of "matter and me as one" is realized through the technique of "expressing feelings with things", and in the aspect of wood texture decoration, it embodies a kind of traditional aesthetic thought of advocating "natural nature". When the practical parts are decorative, the dialectical relationship between beauty and use is implicit, and in the aspect of overall composition, it embodies a kind of space consciousness and cultural concept which is still "medium". Official hat chair decoration is a comprehensive reflection of the social characteristics of the Ming Dynasty.
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