

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-08 12:29
【摘要】:京津地區(qū)的近代建筑裝飾手法多樣、形式豐富,許多建筑呈現(xiàn)出與當(dāng)?shù)仄渌鼤r(shí)期建筑類(lèi)型不同的中西混合式美感。其代表著城市的歷史寶藏,值得深入探究。本文以京津地區(qū)傳統(tǒng)建筑裝飾與近代傳入我國(guó)的西方古典建筑裝飾為理論基礎(chǔ),將京津地區(qū)近代建筑中呈現(xiàn)中西結(jié)合特色的建筑裝飾分為以中式建筑裝飾元素為主體混以西式建筑裝飾、以西式建筑裝飾元素為主體增加中式建筑裝飾和以仿洋式建筑、傳統(tǒng)復(fù)興式建筑及傳統(tǒng)主義新建筑所組成的中西雜糅新建筑裝飾三種類(lèi)型,將幾者按近代建筑發(fā)展過(guò)程研究,結(jié)合資料與實(shí)地調(diào)查總結(jié)出不同種類(lèi)型建筑裝飾中西結(jié)合的具體方法與原則。 本文通過(guò)對(duì)近代時(shí)期京津地區(qū)建筑裝飾發(fā)展的研究,發(fā)現(xiàn)京津地區(qū)近代建筑裝飾是當(dāng)時(shí)中西文化相互碰撞、逐漸相融過(guò)程的外化體現(xiàn)。以此為基礎(chǔ),研究得出京津地區(qū)西方建筑裝飾的本土化傾向是由人文物質(zhì)基礎(chǔ)、地理?xiàng)l件、原有城市建筑基礎(chǔ)等外因結(jié)合西方政治、宗教、文化思維的內(nèi)在原因綜合產(chǎn)生的。而中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)建筑裝飾的演變則是受到西方建筑裝飾材料的引入、運(yùn)輸環(huán)境改變等物質(zhì)條件和以“中體西用”思想、祥瑞意識(shí)及等級(jí)意識(shí)為主的內(nèi)在思想引導(dǎo),同時(shí),西方建筑教育體制亦對(duì)其產(chǎn)生沖擊性影響。 此外,近代建筑裝飾中西融合的特點(diǎn)為京津地區(qū)現(xiàn)代城市整體形象及建筑裝飾設(shè)計(jì)均產(chǎn)生積極影響。但其在發(fā)展過(guò)程中帶來(lái)的城市建筑本土特征弱化、中西建筑審美趨同等中國(guó)城市的共性問(wèn)題,則需要我們注重中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)審美文化培養(yǎng)并且通過(guò)政策扶持等相關(guān)措施進(jìn)行改善。
[Abstract]:The modern architectural decoration in Beijing and Tianjin area is diverse and rich in form. Many buildings show a mixed aesthetic sense of Chinese and Western style. It represents the historical treasure of the city and is worthy of further exploration. This paper is based on the traditional architectural decoration in Beijing and Tianjin and the western classical architectural decoration introduced into China in modern times. The architectural decoration of modern architecture in Beijing-Tianjin area is divided into Chinese architectural decoration elements as main body mixed western architectural decoration, western architectural decoration elements as main body to add Chinese architectural decoration and imitation western architecture. The traditional rejuvenation architecture and the traditional new architecture, which are composed of Chinese and western architecture and new architecture decoration, are studied according to the development process of modern architecture. Combined with data and field investigation, the concrete methods and principles of Chinese and Western combination of different types of architectural decoration are summarized. By studying the development of architectural decoration in Beijing and Tianjin in modern times, this paper finds that modern architectural decoration in Beijing and Tianjin is the externalization of the process of collision and gradual integration of Chinese and western cultures at that time. On this basis, it is concluded that the localization tendency of western architectural decoration in Beijing-Tianjin region is caused by the combination of the internal reasons of western politics, religion and cultural thinking. However, the evolution of Chinese traditional architectural decoration is guided by the material conditions such as the introduction of western architectural decoration materials, the change of transportation environment, and the internal thought of "the use of the Chinese body and the west", the sense of auspicious nature and the sense of rank, and at the same time, Western architectural education system also has an impact on it. In addition, the integration of modern architectural decoration and Chinese and Western features has a positive impact on the overall image and architectural decoration design of modern cities in Beijing and Tianjin. However, in the process of development, the local characteristics of urban architecture are weakened, and the common problems of Chinese cities, such as the convergence of Chinese and Western architectural aesthetics, need us to pay attention to the cultivation of Chinese traditional aesthetic culture and improve it through policy support and other relevant measures.


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