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發(fā)布時間:2018-08-07 20:27
【摘要】:概念書店是現(xiàn)今在中國國內(nèi)市場和國外都比較風(fēng)靡的一種書店形式,是獨立書店的一種,為國內(nèi)外的讀書者們帶來了新鮮的獲取知識平臺。軟裝飾設(shè)計同樣作為一門真正意義上再度興起的設(shè)計門類,與硬裝相配合相互補,為室內(nèi)設(shè)計帶來了新生力量。同樣作為兩種新鮮事物,概念書店與軟裝飾有著密不可分的關(guān)系。軟裝飾為概念書店的氛圍體現(xiàn)彌補不足,同時概念書店又為軟裝飾的設(shè)計提供了一個獨特的展示平臺。兩種事物都深得現(xiàn)代人的青睞。 本文著重從概念書店入手,在研究概念書店本身的文化特征和與其他實體書店的差異時,著重研究概念書店中的軟裝飾這一對概念書店生存同樣起決定性作用的設(shè)計門類。概念書店打造的是人、書、環(huán)境的融合,使讀者在書店閱讀時除了享受文化知識熏陶之外,身心也得到放松和滿足,因此環(huán)境氛圍在概念書店中顯得尤為重要。軟裝飾設(shè)計在概念書店中的地位正可謂是重中之重,概念書店也正是因為軟裝飾的裝飾作用,才‘使得概念書店能夠為讀者提供獨特的文化氛圍和閱讀氣氛,也使概念書店得以區(qū)別與普通的實體書店,成為現(xiàn)在深受廣大讀者歡迎的一類書店,也為處于發(fā)展危機中的普通實體書店開辟了另一條生存之路。
[Abstract]:Concept bookstore is one of the most popular bookstores in China and abroad. It is a kind of independent bookstores, which brings fresh knowledge acquisition platform for readers at home and abroad. The soft decoration design is also a kind of design that rises again in the real sense, and complements each other with the hard dress, which brings the new strength for the interior design. Also as two new things, concept bookstores and soft decoration have an inseparable relationship. Soft decoration makes up for the deficiency of the atmosphere of concept bookstore, and it also provides a unique display platform for the design of soft decoration. Both kinds of things are popular with modern people. In this paper, we focus on the concept bookstores, when we study the cultural characteristics of the concept bookstores and the differences between the concept bookstores and other entity bookstores, and the soft decoration in the concept bookstores, which also plays a decisive role in the survival of the concept bookstores. The concept bookstore creates the fusion of people, books and environment, which makes readers relax and satisfy themselves in addition to enjoying the influence of cultural knowledge, so the environmental atmosphere is especially important in the concept bookstores. The position of soft decoration design in concept bookstores is the most important. It is because of the decoration function of soft decoration that concept bookstores are able to provide readers with unique cultural atmosphere and reading atmosphere. It also distinguishes the concept bookstore from the ordinary physical bookstore and becomes a kind of bookstore which is popular with the general readers now. It also opens up another way of survival for the ordinary entity bookstore in the crisis of development.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前3條

1 翟星;;獨立書店生存之路[J];新聞世界;2009年07期

2 謝麗斯;;室內(nèi)設(shè)計軟裝飾的發(fā)展和前景[J];群文天地;2011年16期

3 徐鑫;;論軟裝飾在室內(nèi)設(shè)計中的應(yīng)用[J];濰坊學(xué)院學(xué)報;2011年01期





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