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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-05 19:54
【摘要】:正 人類自從懂得了營造,便與居室結(jié)下了不解之緣,勞動(dòng)、休息、娛樂等生活都離不開居室.在歷史文化的發(fā)展歷程中,人們不斷追求生活的美好,居室的完美;九十年代以來,隨著改革開放的深入,對居室的要求就更高,更加多樣化,什么功能性、豪華型、自然型、個(gè)性化、地區(qū)型等等,式樣萬千,變化多端.在室內(nèi)裝飾中,裝飾織物起著十分重要的美學(xué)作用,它不只是以柔軟舒適的質(zhì)感取勝,更由于它的豐富多采的色調(diào)感,直接影響著室內(nèi)裝飾的藝術(shù)格調(diào),直接構(gòu)成人們的視覺感受,關(guān)系著人們的思想、情緒和精神風(fēng)貌.在工藝美術(shù)中,如果說造型是理性的,那么色彩則是感性的.不同的人有不同的色彩感受,不同的環(huán)境也有不同的色彩感受.這種心理上的感受,我們稱之為視覺感應(yīng).室內(nèi)裝飾織物色彩的視覺感受,包括的內(nèi)涵是多種多樣的.同樣的織物色彩,因不同
[Abstract]:Since human beings know how to build, they are inseparable from the bedroom, labor, rest, entertainment and other life can not be separated from the bedroom. In the course of historical and cultural development, people continue to pursue the beauty of life and the perfection of the bedroom. Since the 1990s, with the deepening of reform and opening up, the demand for the bedroom has become higher, more diversified, more functional, more luxurious, and more natural. Personalized, regional, and so on, style, variety and variety. In the interior decoration, decorative fabric plays a very important aesthetic role. It not only wins by soft and comfortable texture, but also has a direct impact on the artistic style of interior decoration because of its rich and colorful tone. Directly constitute people's visual feelings, related to people's thoughts, emotions and spiritual features. In arts and crafts, if the shape is rational, then color is perceptual. Different people have different color feelings, different environments also have different color feelings. This kind of psychological feeling, we call it visual sense. The interior decoration fabric color visual feeling, including the connotation is various. The same fabric color, depending on


相關(guān)期刊論文 前10條

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5 宋德昌;;回顧·探索·進(jìn)取——魯美染織美術(shù)設(shè)計(jì)系簡介[J];美苑;1988年03期

6 周吳;大海之子[J];w,




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