

發(fā)布時間:2018-08-03 16:16
【摘要】:現(xiàn)階段,室內(nèi)家居裝修已成為現(xiàn)代人們生活的重要組成部分。由此導致的室內(nèi)空氣污染問題也愈加嚴重。室內(nèi)環(huán)境問題是是當今社會又一新的污染現(xiàn)象。本課題旨在研究家居裝修過程中及裝修結(jié)束后一段時間的污染物動態(tài)分布,了解其變化規(guī)律及變化原因;通過對整個過程的室內(nèi)空氣質(zhì)量評價情況和污染來源的分析,對今后人們在裝修過程各個工期應(yīng)使用的材料和應(yīng)防范的污染來源提供可靠的依據(jù)。 本課題選取了西安市長安區(qū)的兩戶新裝修住宅作為研究對象,采用多功能甲醛、氨檢測儀和FirstCheck+5000便攜氣體檢測儀以現(xiàn)場測量的方式,對各采樣點從裝修開始到結(jié)束后半年各進行了為期約九個月的持續(xù)檢測,對室內(nèi)空氣中的甲醛、氨、TVOC和苯四種污染物的濃度進行了檢測;采用SPSS數(shù)據(jù)分析軟件對四種所選污染物進行相關(guān)性分析;同時,根據(jù)檢測的數(shù)據(jù),利用單因子評價法、綜合分析法和灰色統(tǒng)計決策對每次檢測時的室內(nèi)空氣質(zhì)量進行了評價,最后利用問卷調(diào)查的方法對廣大居民進行室內(nèi)裝修污染物的認識狀況。通過以上研究主要獲得以下結(jié)論: (1)甲醛、氨、TVOC和苯裝修過程和裝修半年后的整個階段均存在至少有一種污染物超標的情況。絕對清潔的環(huán)境在整個監(jiān)測過程中不存在,整個階段的污染率達90%以上,重污染率為在60%左右,污染狀況比較嚴重。 (2)在整個裝修期間,各污染物濃度隨著裝修階段的不同呈現(xiàn)較大的波動。甲醛的濃度值在木工階段和家具入駐后均會有較大幅度的上升;室內(nèi)空氣中氨的含量在墻面處理粉刷階段和木工結(jié)束后會急劇增加;TVOC和苯的濃度在壁紙黏貼后和家具入駐時快速上升。 (3)甲醛和氨的污染在整個裝修環(huán)節(jié)已得到有效的控制,苯和TVOC的污染防治應(yīng)引起廣大居民的注意。從兩個監(jiān)測點的灰色統(tǒng)計決策法評價室內(nèi)空氣質(zhì)量評價結(jié)果中來看,苯已成為影響室內(nèi)環(huán)境質(zhì)量的最大因素,TVOC次之。 (4)裝修季節(jié)對室內(nèi)空氣質(zhì)量有一定影響。選擇在春夏季裝修居室內(nèi)由于裝修時氣溫較高,室內(nèi)污染物釋放速度較快,且由于開窗時間較長,空氣流通頻繁;在裝修結(jié)束后,北方會有供暖期,室內(nèi)空氣在裝修開始到結(jié)束后半年這個時間段內(nèi)經(jīng)歷兩次高溫過程,污染物釋放速度更快。室內(nèi)空氣中的單個污染物含量要低于選擇在秋冬季裝修的居室。 (5)西安市廣大居民的防治污染意識比較強,在選取裝修產(chǎn)品時均注重國家的質(zhì)量標準和綠色標準,但是由于市場的產(chǎn)品狀況和除污效果不佳的原因,導致在裝修結(jié)束后入住時仍有身體不適的狀況,室內(nèi)空氣質(zhì)量狀況不容樂觀。 (6)根據(jù)課題研究情況,建議國家加大對建材裝修行業(yè)的監(jiān)管,加大宣傳綠色裝修的理念;廣大建材生產(chǎn)廠商應(yīng)加快低成本無污染建材產(chǎn)品的研發(fā);業(yè)主和裝修從業(yè)者應(yīng)減少在施工現(xiàn)場的停留,并在裝修結(jié)束后采用積極措施加快室內(nèi)污染物的擴散,采用植物去污染的方法來達到清潔室內(nèi)環(huán)境的目的。
[Abstract]:At present, indoor home decoration has become an important part of modern people's life. The problem of indoor air pollution is becoming more and more serious. Indoor environment is a new pollution phenomenon in today's society. This topic aims to study the dynamic distribution of pollutants in the process of home decoration and after the end of the decoration. By analyzing the quality of indoor air quality and the source of pollution in the whole process, it provides a reliable basis for the material that people should use in the different period of the decoration process and the pollution sources that should be prevented in the future.
The subject selected two newly decorated houses in Changan District of Xi'an as the research object, using the multi-functional formaldehyde, ammonia detector and FirstCheck+5000 portable gas detector in the way of field measurement. Each sampling point was tested for about nine months from the beginning of the decoration to the end of the year, and the formaldehyde in the indoor air was tested. The concentration of four kinds of pollutants of ammonia, TVOC and benzene were detected. The correlation analysis of four kinds of pollutants was analyzed by using SPSS data analysis software. At the same time, according to the measured data, the internal air quality of each test was evaluated by single factor evaluation method, comprehensive analysis method and grey statistical decision. Finally, the questionnaire was used to adjust the air quality. The method of investigation is used to understand the status of pollutants in indoor decoration for residents.
(1) there is at least one kind of pollutants exceeding the standard in the process of decoration of formaldehyde, ammonia, TVOC and benzene, and the whole stage of decoration for half a year. The absolute clean environment does not exist during the whole monitoring process. The pollution rate of the whole stage is over 90%, the heavy pollution rate is about 60%, and the pollution condition is serious.
(2) during the whole decoration, the concentration of the pollutants varies greatly with the different stages of the decoration. The concentration of formaldehyde will increase greatly in the woodworking stage and after the furniture, the content of ammonia in the indoor air will increase sharply in the wall processing and after the end of the woodwork; the concentration of TVOC and benzene is sticky in the wallpaper. Post and furniture go up quickly.
(3) the pollution of formaldehyde and ammonia has been effectively controlled in the whole decoration link. The pollution prevention and control of benzene and TVOC should attract the attention of the residents. From the results of the evaluation of the indoor air quality evaluation from the grey statistical decision method of two monitoring points, benzene has become the biggest factor affecting the quality of the indoor environment, and TVOC times.
(4) the decoration season has a certain influence on the indoor air quality. In the spring and summer decoration, the air temperature is high, the indoor pollutant release speed is faster, and the air circulation is frequent because of the longer window opening time. After the decoration, the north will have heating period, the interior air is in the beginning of the decoration to the end of the half of the year. After two high temperatures, the pollutant release rate is faster. The single pollutant content in the indoor air is lower than that in the house which is decorated in autumn and winter.
(5) the awareness of pollution prevention and control of the residents in Xi'an is relatively strong. They all pay attention to the national quality standards and green standards in the selection of the decoration products. However, because of the market products and the reasons for the poor removal of pollution, there are still physical discomfort at the end of the decoration, and the indoor air quality is not optimistic.
(6) according to the research situation, it is suggested that the state should increase the supervision of the building materials and decoration industry and increase the concept of green decoration; the large building materials manufacturers should speed up the research and development of low cost and pollution-free building materials; the owners and decorating practitioners should reduce the stay in the construction site and use positive measures to speed the room after the end of the decoration. The diffusion of pollutants, the use of plant decontamination methods to achieve the purpose of cleaning indoor environment.


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