

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-28 10:07
【摘要】: 大理白族民居建筑是白族先民們經(jīng)過(guò)上千年創(chuàng)造并汲取各族優(yōu)秀建筑文化智慧的結(jié)晶。它以其獨(dú)特的院落布局、照壁門樓、白墻灰瓦、淡墨彩畫等豐富的建筑文化,體現(xiàn)出鮮明的民族風(fēng)格和地方特色。大理白族民居彩繪裝飾藝術(shù)以門樓、照壁、墻體、門窗等為主要的裝飾構(gòu)件,在吸收了漢族和其他民族的文化和生產(chǎn)技術(shù)后,其彩繪藝術(shù)逐步形成了獨(dú)特鮮明的白族特色。 本研究引用和分析了大量的文獻(xiàn)資料,通過(guò)以裝飾構(gòu)件的分類為依據(jù),輔以大量作者實(shí)地調(diào)研所得的實(shí)物圖片,系統(tǒng)地對(duì)大理白族民居彩繪裝飾藝術(shù)的構(gòu)件進(jìn)行了較細(xì)致的分析與整理。在對(duì)大理白族民居彩繪裝飾進(jìn)行概述的基礎(chǔ)上,對(duì)大理白族民居彩繪裝飾藝術(shù)的文化內(nèi)涵、藝術(shù)特征、審美特點(diǎn)進(jìn)行了重點(diǎn)研究。 大理白族民居彩繪裝飾藝術(shù)的形成是諸多因素共同作用的結(jié)果:漢白文化交流奠定了白族民居彩繪裝飾的基礎(chǔ),地方經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)達(dá)促進(jìn)了白族民居彩繪裝飾的發(fā)展,工匠技藝高超提高了白族民居彩繪裝飾的水平,宗教信仰、書法題詞、祈福迎祥和民族審美等的觀念精神孕育了白族民居彩繪豐富的文化內(nèi)涵;白族民居彩繪裝飾表現(xiàn)出裝飾性、民族性、象征性以及教化性的藝術(shù)特征;白族民居彩繪裝飾多重的審美特點(diǎn)主要體現(xiàn)在其內(nèi)容美、形式美、意象美、技藝美、視覺(jué)美以及和諧美六方面。 在對(duì)大理白族民居彩繪裝飾藝術(shù)進(jìn)行多方面分析的基礎(chǔ)上,總結(jié)出白族民居彩繪裝飾藝術(shù)的現(xiàn)實(shí)意義,指出了白族民居彩繪裝飾藝術(shù)在當(dāng)代設(shè)計(jì)領(lǐng)域中傳承的方式與手法。
[Abstract]:The architecture of Bai folk residence in Dali is the crystallization of Bai ancestors who created and absorbed the wisdom of excellent architectural culture after thousands of years. It has rich architectural culture, such as its unique courtyard layout, white wall and gray tile, etc., which embodies distinct national style and local characteristics. The main decorative components of Dali Bai residence are gateways, shading walls, windows and doors. After absorbing the culture and production technology of Han nationality and other nationalities, the painting art of Dali Bai nationality has gradually formed its unique and distinct characteristics of Bai nationality. This study cited and analyzed a large number of literature materials, through the classification of decorative components as the basis, supplemented by a large number of physical images obtained from the author's field research, This paper systematically analyzes and arranges the components of the decorative art of the Bai nationality residence in Dali. On the basis of summarizing the color painting and decoration of Dali Bai folk residence, this paper focuses on the cultural connotation, artistic characteristics and aesthetic characteristics of Dali Bai folk residence decoration art. The formation of the decorative art of the Bai folk residence in Dali is the result of many factors: the cultural exchange of Han and Bai has laid the foundation of the painting and decoration of the Bai folk residence, and the development of the local economy has promoted the development of the painting and decoration of the Bai nationality folk residence. The craftsman's skill has improved the Bai nationality folk residence color painting decoration level, the religious belief, the calligraphy inscription, prays the blessing welcome auspicious nation esthetic and so on the idea spirit and so on, gave birth to the Bai nationality folk residence color painting rich cultural connotation; The color painting and decoration of Bai nationality houses show the artistic characteristics of decoration, nationality, symbolism and enlightenment, and the aesthetic characteristics of the decoration of Bai folk houses are mainly embodied in the beauty of content, form, image, skill, etc. Visual beauty and harmony in six aspects. On the basis of analyzing the decorative art of Bai nationality residence in Dali, this paper sums up the realistic significance of the decorative art of Bai nationality folk residence, and points out the ways and means of inheriting the decorative art of Bai nationality folk residence in the field of contemporary design.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前3條

1 陳文捷;黃榮娟;溫麗玲;;國(guó)內(nèi)古民居研究綜述[J];安徽農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué);2009年33期

2 何偉俊;;云南大理地區(qū)白族建筑彩繪傳統(tǒng)制作工藝初探[J];中國(guó)文物科學(xué)研究;2010年04期

3 趙琛;;大理白族民居彩繪的價(jià)值和傳承發(fā)展[J];藝術(shù)教育;2013年10期

相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前2條

1 饒峻姝;大理白族本主廟的裝飾藝術(shù)研究[D];云南大學(xué);2010年

2 李泰運(yùn);大理白族民居的現(xiàn)代變遷研究[D];陜西師范大學(xué);2012年





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