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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-26 16:02
【摘要】:河北滄州地處京、津、冀經(jīng)濟(jì)圈,隨著京滬高鐵的貫通,滄州市距離首都北京的距離將縮短,加之河北沿海地區(qū)發(fā)展規(guī)劃獲國務(wù)院批準(zhǔn)實施,規(guī)劃提出努力把河北沿海地區(qū)建設(shè)成為我國新型工業(yè)化基地和科學(xué)發(fā)展的示范區(qū)。這些都對滄州市酒店的發(fā)展提供條件,,近年來滄州市酒店的數(shù)量一直在增加,酒店是賓客最直觀理解該城市的一個媒介,怎樣使滄州市的酒店在設(shè)計中體現(xiàn)本市特色,是擺在設(shè)計者面前的一個重要課題。 裝飾藝術(shù),是依附于某一主體的繪畫或雕塑工藝,使被裝飾的主體得到合乎其功能要求的美化。在注重地域性的室內(nèi)設(shè)計理念被大家所認(rèn)同的今天,如果能夠合理的運用裝飾藝術(shù)對酒店進(jìn)行裝飾,也就更能直觀的表現(xiàn)室內(nèi)地域特點,凸顯設(shè)計的地域性。本文創(chuàng)新點就在于,將滄州地域物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)和非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)加入到酒店設(shè)計中來,從而提高酒店的文化荷載性,使滄州市酒店除功能外兼有文化傳播功能。 國際武術(shù)節(jié)、雜技節(jié)、省運會等活動的舉辦,使得滄州與外界的交流增多,這要求酒店設(shè)計不僅滿足使用功能,更重要的是具備不同的地域性和文化性,讓外來賓客了解滄州、認(rèn)識滄州。本文采用比較法,通過對國內(nèi)外酒店裝飾設(shè)計進(jìn)行研究以及具有代表性的滄州酒店裝飾的研究,從而在比較中找出滄州酒店裝飾上存在的問題和不足,并且用傳統(tǒng)與現(xiàn)代相結(jié)合的手法,創(chuàng)造出富有地域文化氣息的現(xiàn)代城市酒店空間,本文著重研究商務(wù)酒店的裝飾。
[Abstract]:Cangzhou is located in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei economic circle. With the high-speed rail link between Beijing and Shanghai, the distance between Cangzhou and the capital Beijing will be shortened, and the development plan for Hebei coastal areas will be approved and implemented by the State Council. The plan puts forward efforts to build Hebei coastal area into a new industrialization base and a demonstration area for scientific development. All these provide conditions for the development of Cangzhou hotels. In recent years, the number of Cangzhou hotels has been increasing. Hotels are the most intuitive medium for guests to understand the city. How to make Cangzhou hotels embody the characteristics of the city in their design? It is an important subject in front of designers. Decorative art is the art of painting or sculpture attached to a subject, which can beautify the decorative subject in accordance with its functional requirements. In the attention to the concept of regional interior design is recognized by everyone today, if the use of decorative art to the hotel decoration, it will be more intuitive performance of indoor regional characteristics, highlighting the regional design. The innovation of this paper lies in the addition of Cangzhou region material cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage to the hotel design, so as to improve the cultural load of the hotel and make the Cangzhou hotel have the function of cultural communication besides its function. The holding of international martial arts festivals, acrobatics festivals and provincial sports associations has increased the communication between Cangzhou and the outside world. This requires hotel design not only to meet the use function, but also to have different regional and cultural characteristics, so that foreign guests can understand Cangzhou. Know Cangzhou. In this paper, the comparative method is used to study the design of hotel decoration at home and abroad and the representative hotel decoration of Cangzhou, so as to find out the problems and shortcomings in the hotel decoration of Cangzhou. And with the combination of traditional and modern techniques to create a modern urban hotel space full of regional culture, this paper focuses on the decoration of The Business Inn.


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