

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-26 14:10
[Abstract]:China is a country with a long history, with rich national traditions and national characteristics, and enjoys a good reputation in many aspects, such as culture, art and so on. In terms of dress culture, China is famous for its "clothed country." Fifty-six ethnic groups have created their own traditional dress models based on their own development experiences, which symbolize their national personality and aesthetic characteristics. It represents the essence of national costume culture. The costume modeling of the northern minorities is intended to hide the beauty of human body, pursue the beauty of decoration, and express the beauty of temperament. This paper discusses the traditional costume modeling and decorative art of the northern minority nationalities.
【作者單位】: 哈爾濱市雙城區(qū)文物管理所;


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9 潘t,




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