

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-17 13:16

  本文選題:漢繡裝飾紋樣 + 視覺(jué)語(yǔ)言。 參考:《廣西師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Han embroidery is a unique embroidery technology in China. It is known as the top ten famous embroidery in China with Su embroidery, Xiang embroidery and Shu embroidery, mainly popular in Wuhan, Hubei, Jingzhou and Honghu. The decorative patterns of Han embroidery are rich in variety and colorful. It embodies the people's totem worship, folk life and spiritual belief in Hubei. If we want to appreciate the decorative patterns of Han embroidery from the angle of art and draw nutrients from them, we must study, analyze and interpret them. Starting from the essence of the decorative patterns of Han embroidery, this paper analyzes the functions, symbolic significance and aesthetic value of the patterns, and cognizes them as a visual symbol, and analyzes the relationship between the form of the symbols and the contents of the symbols. This paper discusses the characteristics and communication process of the visual language of decorative patterns in Han embroidery. Visual vocabulary is the basis of visual language research. Only by generalizing and classifying the visual vocabulary of decorative patterns in Han embroidery can we better understand its visual language. First of all, through the collection and collation of the data, the visual vocabulary of decorative patterns in Han embroidery is divided into four categories: flower and plant patterns, animal patterns, characters and characters, and the representative Phoenix and bird patterns. Peony pattern, lotus pattern, auspicious flower pattern and other patterns are deeply analyzed. Secondly, the grammar of the visual language of Han embroidery decorative pattern is to study the organization and changing relationship of visual vocabulary. I have analyzed the composition principle in the visual grammar of Chinese embroidery decorative pattern, and divided it into two forms: symmetrical equilibrium and free constitution, and divided it into three categories according to the organization mode of Han embroidery decorative pattern: group decoration, square decoration and scattered decoration. From the point of view of visual symbols, I summarize the characteristics of visual semantics of decorative patterns in Chinese embroidery, analyze the influence of natural factors and social factors on visual semantics of decorative patterns of Chinese embroidery, and divide the visual semantics of patterns into totem worship and religious rites. The interpretation of semantics helps people to further master the visual language of decorative patterns of Chinese embroidery. Finally, from the visual vocabulary, semantics, grammar, From the perspective of context, this paper analyzes the feasibility, current situation and application principles of the application of decorative patterns of Han embroidery in gift packaging. Han embroidery as a local embroidery species experienced the impact of industrial development, facing a lost crisis. In the face of such a severe situation, this paper starts from the aspect of decorative patterns of Han embroidery, and makes a study of the visual vocabulary, grammar, semantics, and context of the decorative patterns of Han embroidery as a kind of visual symbol. Combining it with the gift packaging in the same regional environment, this paper looks for the fusion point between the visual language of the Chinese embroidery pattern and the gift packaging design, and carries on the innovation design to the Han embroidery decoration pattern. The unique artistic features of Han embroidery will be brought to every consumer, hoping to promote the sales of goods at the same time can bring new development and new opportunities for Han embroidery.


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