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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-17 08:40

  本文選題:燙鉆 + 毛衫 ; 參考:《毛紡科技》2011年12期

[Abstract]:The hot drill has the characteristics of pure color, bright, smooth surface and various shapes. It is one of the main decorative accessories in the decoration design of knitted sweater. Based on the comparison and analysis of the types, characteristics and market applications of the ironing drills in the market of woolen sweaters, combined with the uneven market and the high quality of the present situation, the basic criteria for the selection of perm drills for woolen sweaters are summarized in this paper. Through the combination of theory analysis and design practice, the application principle of hot drill in the decoration design of woolen sweater and the matters needing attention in the making of hot drilling technology are further analyzed and discussed, so as to realize the function of ironing drill in the decoration design of sweater to the maximum extent. It has certain guiding significance to the design of woolen sweater.
【作者單位】: 江南大學生態(tài)紡織教育部重點實驗室;


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