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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-16 12:35

  本文選題:苗族 + 裝飾圖案 ; 參考:《中南民族大學(xué)》2011年碩士論文

【摘要】:現(xiàn)代設(shè)計(jì)中,設(shè)計(jì)作品總是以色與型的組合產(chǎn)生的視覺表象呈現(xiàn)。色彩依附于形式出現(xiàn),除了形的狀態(tài)之外,又具有獨(dú)立于形上的色彩心理、人文色彩特征。因此我們在研究藝術(shù)作品時(shí)不僅要從其視覺表象來體會其美感,也要從更深一層含義去理解其內(nèi)在意義。 苗族是一個(gè)歷史悠久的古老民族,多年來國內(nèi)外學(xué)者對苗族這樣一個(gè)少數(shù)民族群體的考察和研究就一直沒有停止過。國外關(guān)于苗族的研究主要以日本、美國、英國等人類學(xué)和民族學(xué)研究機(jī)構(gòu)和研究人員以個(gè)人側(cè)重的研究形式進(jìn)行。具有代表性的是日本學(xué)者鳥居龍藏和他的苗族研究著作,對苗族歷史、語言、體質(zhì)、風(fēng)俗、文化等方面進(jìn)行了研究。迄今,國內(nèi)外苗族研究廣泛開展,對苗族的研究力度亦隨之加大。在藝術(shù)界對苗族裝飾圖案藝術(shù)、服飾文化藝術(shù)的調(diào)查研究也更加深入和廣泛。 苗族裝飾藝術(shù)具有高度的可讀性和審美情趣。從其可讀性來看,苗族裝飾圖案是“寫在服飾上的古書”,是符號化了的民族語言;從其藝術(shù)形式來看,苗族極其豐富絢麗的服飾為我國民族中的翹楚。苗族裝飾圖案的豐富內(nèi)容充分體現(xiàn)了一個(gè)民族對于生活美的發(fā)現(xiàn)及其審美觀念的形成過程,其裝飾圖案的色彩配置在本民族歷史文化的發(fā)展中逐漸形成特有的規(guī)律。 苗族裝飾圖案色彩在形成過程中具有很強(qiáng)的經(jīng)驗(yàn)性,這種經(jīng)驗(yàn)性中滲透了其特殊歷史文化、地理環(huán)境、宗教習(xí)俗等對生活的抽象提煉。苗族裝飾圖案藝術(shù)的視覺表象呈現(xiàn)出強(qiáng)烈性、完整性、文化性特征,完整的體現(xiàn)了生活藝術(shù)化的審美觀。 現(xiàn)代設(shè)計(jì)不僅重視對傳統(tǒng)藝術(shù)語言的鉆研與運(yùn)用,更加注重對民族傳統(tǒng)審美意象的凝練和深化表現(xiàn)。本課題試通過對苗族紋飾色彩的現(xiàn)代解讀,將苗族圖案的色彩構(gòu)成藝術(shù)與現(xiàn)代裝飾圖案設(shè)計(jì)、現(xiàn)代應(yīng)用設(shè)計(jì)等方面進(jìn)行聯(lián)系,挖掘苗族裝飾色彩創(chuàng)作的源泉與深厚的文化內(nèi)涵,為今后中國民族色彩的研究方面起到一定的推進(jìn)作用,在設(shè)計(jì)探索中尋找從民族傳統(tǒng)藝術(shù)遺產(chǎn)中汲取營養(yǎng)的方法。 苗族裝飾圖案色彩構(gòu)成解析指圍繞苗族裝飾圖案色彩藝術(shù)特征,運(yùn)用色彩構(gòu)成的分析方法,分析苗族裝飾圖案色彩心理及色彩象征的構(gòu)成特點(diǎn),研究苗族裝飾圖案所遵循的審美法則與及表現(xiàn)出的形式美。在對苗族裝飾圖案色彩解析過程中認(rèn)識苗族的民族特性,從歷史、人文、環(huán)境的角度解析其配色的規(guī)律,認(rèn)識色彩表象后的民族心理本質(zhì),尋找從民族傳統(tǒng)藝術(shù)遺產(chǎn)中汲取營養(yǎng)的方法,探索現(xiàn)代設(shè)計(jì)與民族民間藝術(shù)語言結(jié)合的切入點(diǎn),充實(shí)到現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)設(shè)計(jì)中去。
[Abstract]:In modern design, design works are always presented by the combination of color and shape. Color is attached to the form, besides the state of form, it also has the characteristics of color psychology and humanism. Therefore, when we study works of art, we should not only understand its aesthetic sense from its visual representation, but also understand its inner meaning from a deeper meaning. Miao nationality is an ancient ethnic group with a long history. Over the years, scholars at home and abroad have not stopped investigating and studying such a minority group. The research on the Miao nationality abroad is mainly carried out by the anthropology and ethnology research institutions and researchers such as Japan, the United States, Britain and so on. Representative is Japanese scholar bird Ju long Tibet and his Miao nationality research work, has carried on the research to the Miao nationality history, the language, the physique, the custom, the culture and so on. So far, the research of Miao nationality has been widely carried out at home and abroad, and the research intensity of Miao nationality has also been increased. In the art circle, the Miao decorative design art, clothing culture and art investigation and research are more in-depth and extensive. Miao decorative art has a high degree of readability and aesthetic interest. From its readability, the Miao decorative pattern is "the ancient book written on the dress", is the symbolic national language, from its artistic form, the Miao nationality extremely rich gorgeous clothing is our nation's outstanding. The rich content of the Miao decorative pattern fully reflects the discovery of the beauty of life and the forming process of the aesthetic concept of a nation, and the color distribution of the decorative pattern gradually forms a special rule in the development of the national history and culture. The color of decorative patterns of Miao nationality has strong experience in the forming process, which permeates its special historical culture, geographical environment, religious custom and so on abstract extraction to the life. The visual appearance of the Miao decorative design art shows strong, integrity and cultural characteristics, which reflects the aesthetic concept of life artistry. Modern design not only attaches importance to the study and application of traditional artistic language, but also to the condensing and deepening of national traditional aesthetic image. Through the modern interpretation of the Miao decorative color, the paper links the color composing art of the Miao nationality pattern with the modern decorative pattern design, modern application design and so on, and excavates the fountainhead and the profound cultural connotation of the Miao nationality decorative color creation. In order to promote the research of Chinese national color in the future, it is necessary to find a way to absorb the nutrition from the traditional national art heritage in the design exploration. The analysis of the color composition of the Miao decorative pattern refers to the analysis of the color psychology and the color symbol of the decoration pattern of the Miao nationality by using the analysis method of the color composition around the color characteristics of the decoration pattern of the Miao nationality. This paper studies the aesthetic rules and the formal beauty of the Miao decorative patterns. In the process of analyzing the color of the Miao decorative pattern, we should understand the ethnic characteristics of the Miao nationality, analyze the law of color matching from the perspective of history, humanity and environment, and understand the national psychological essence of the color representation. To find a way to absorb nutrition from the traditional national art heritage, to explore the breakthrough point of the combination of modern design and folk art language, and to enrich it into modern art design.


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10 四川師范大學(xué) 張W,




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