

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-14 23:01

  本文選題:纖維藝術(shù) + 裝飾; 參考:《西安工程大學》2011年碩士論文

【摘要】:纖維藝術(shù)這種具有裝飾性的藝術(shù)形式,,有著自身特有的材質(zhì)、肌理和色彩,通過豐富的工藝技法表現(xiàn)和特殊的創(chuàng)作規(guī)律,構(gòu)成了有別于其它藝術(shù)形式的審美特征,成為現(xiàn)代空間環(huán)境中文化品位格調(diào)高雅的裝飾品。材質(zhì)賦予人的第一感覺從色彩開始,材質(zhì)的色彩是構(gòu)成纖維裝飾藝術(shù)的重要設計元素,它決定了纖維裝飾藝術(shù)的基本格調(diào),極易產(chǎn)生各種感情效果;诶w維裝飾藝術(shù)設計的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀,本課題力求從現(xiàn)代纖維裝飾藝術(shù)材質(zhì)的色彩入手,對纖維裝飾材質(zhì)表面的色彩特性和材質(zhì)各種組織結(jié)構(gòu)的肌理色彩表現(xiàn)進行分析,探討纖維裝飾材質(zhì)的色彩表現(xiàn)在空間中的應用及其價值,以期對纖維裝飾藝術(shù)的創(chuàng)作予以一定的學術(shù)價值和啟示意義。 本課題通過收集大量的圖片資料和具體的創(chuàng)作實踐,從三個方向?qū)w維裝飾藝術(shù)材質(zhì)的色彩展開研究。 首先,從理論角度分析了纖維材質(zhì)的豐富性和裝飾性語言,闡述了各種不同材質(zhì)表面的色彩特點和材質(zhì)表面平滑度、透明度、光源色的色彩表現(xiàn),并結(jié)合大量相關(guān)作品,對纖維裝飾藝術(shù)材質(zhì)表面的色彩特征及規(guī)律進行深層次的研究總結(jié)。 其次,著重從工藝技法角度對纖維材質(zhì)各種組織結(jié)構(gòu)的肌理色彩特征進行分析,以現(xiàn)代審美思潮為線索,主要采用對比分析的方法研究了纖維材質(zhì)經(jīng)緯組織結(jié)構(gòu)和自由組織結(jié)構(gòu)的肌理特征及色彩特點,從而總結(jié)出纖維裝飾藝術(shù)材質(zhì)組織結(jié)構(gòu)的不同對色彩效果的改變及影響以及如何合理運用與發(fā)揮纖維裝飾材質(zhì)組織結(jié)構(gòu)的肌理色彩。 最后,從藝術(shù)設計角度出發(fā),運用對比與調(diào)和的方法將材質(zhì)的色彩合理運用于空間環(huán)境中,并結(jié)合現(xiàn)代的思維方式和表現(xiàn)技法,創(chuàng)作出了一系列纖維作品,實現(xiàn)了理論與實踐的真正結(jié)合,達到了纖維裝飾藝術(shù)與空間環(huán)境的協(xié)調(diào)統(tǒng)一,重塑了空間形態(tài)的藝術(shù)美感。 通過對上述一系列內(nèi)容的研究,使纖維裝飾藝術(shù)的設計功能和價值得到了進一步的拓展與開發(fā),這種深入研究不僅有助于人們理解和把握纖維裝飾設計材質(zhì)的色彩語言在纖維裝飾藝術(shù)品中的作用及創(chuàng)作規(guī)律,而且還有助于為今后的相關(guān)研究和發(fā)展提供更多理論依據(jù)。
[Abstract]:Fiber art, a decorative art form, has its own unique material, texture and color, and forms aesthetic characteristics different from other art forms through rich technical expression and special creative laws. Become the modern space environment in the cultural taste elegant decoration. The first feeling given by the material begins with the color. The color of the material is the important design element of the fiber decorative art. It determines the basic style of the fiber decorative art and easily produces various emotional effects. Based on the development of fiber decorative art design, this paper tries to start with the color of modern fiber decorative art material, and analyzes the color characteristics of fiber decorative material surface and the texture color performance of various organization structure of fiber decorative material. This paper probes into the application and value of the color of fiber decorative material in space in order to give certain academic value and enlightenment significance to the creation of fiber decorative art. Through collecting a large number of picture materials and concrete creative practice, this paper studies the color of fiber decorative art material from three directions. First of all, the richness and decorative language of fiber materials are analyzed theoretically, and the color characteristics and surface smoothness, transparency, color performance of light source color of various kinds of surface materials are expounded, and a large number of related works are combined. The color characteristics and rules of fiber decorative art surface are summarized. Secondly, the texture and color characteristics of various organizational structures of fiber materials are analyzed from the point of view of technological techniques, taking the modern aesthetic trend as the clue. The texture and color characteristics of warp and weft tissue structure and free tissue structure of fiber material were studied by means of comparative analysis. Therefore, the paper summarizes the change and influence of the organization structure of fiber decorative art material on the color effect, and how to use and play the texture color of the fiber decorative material organization structure reasonably. Finally, from the point of view of art design, we use the method of contrast and harmony to apply the color of the material to the space environment reasonably, and combine the modern thinking way and the performance technique, have created a series of fiber works. It realizes the real combination of theory and practice, achieves the harmony of fiber decorative art and space environment, and rebuilds the artistic aesthetic feeling of space form. Through the study of the above series of contents, the design function and value of fiber decorative art have been further expanded and developed. This in-depth study is not only helpful for people to understand and grasp the function and creation rule of the color language of fiber decorative design material in fiber decorative art, but also helps to provide more theoretical basis for the related research and development in the future.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前6條

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相關(guān)碩士學位論文 前4條

1 楊金葉;試論我國現(xiàn)代纖維藝術(shù)的多元化發(fā)展趨勢[D];蘇州大學;2008年

2 白蕊;淺析現(xiàn)代纖維藝術(shù)的多元化發(fā)展趨向[D];遼寧師范大學;2008年

3 張波;論室內(nèi)裝飾設計的藝術(shù)風格[D];河北大學;2007年

4 王云霞;現(xiàn)代纖維藝術(shù)的材料語言[D];青島大學;2010年




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