

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-14 17:55

  本文選題:綜合實(shí)踐活動(dòng)課程 + 裝飾畫(huà); 參考:《首都師范大學(xué)》2011年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As a unique curriculum field, "Comprehensive practical activity course" is a bright spot in the new round of curriculum reform in China. Through inquiry learning, students construct a positive, vivid and independent cooperative inquiry learning method, which has a remarkable breakthrough in cultivating students' innovative spirit and practical ability. Decorative painting is not only the basic course of art design, but also an independent course. It occupies a very important position in the field of art. It has been widely used in modern life and has formed a visual design system in a wide range of fields involved in modern design. It uses unique artistic language and expression techniques to reflect people's ideal of life and convey people's aesthetic feelings. Decorative painting course is a basic course to cultivate students to feel beauty, understand beauty and create beauty. It can inspire students' unique modeling ability, exercise students' new consciousness of composition, set up bold color view, cultivate students' creative thinking, creative aesthetic taste, imagination and artistic expression, etc. The systematic decorative painting study is usually aimed at the vocational high school art major or the university fine arts major student to set up, but to the junior high school student's daily art class is only preliminary, general understanding. For teachers, how to use 36 class hours to let students understand the form and content of decorative paintings, the basis of pattern deformation, the color of decorative paintings, composition, the use of comprehensive materials and the completion of the final creation. It is necessary to apply a set of teaching methods suitable for junior high school students to study decorative painting. This article is some practical teaching suggestions and methods summarized by the author through the research of relevant theoretical literature and teaching practice. The purpose of this paper is to develop a systematic decorative painting course in junior middle school, and to perfect the teaching mode and teaching means suitable for junior high school students. Use advanced teaching idea as the instruction, thus promote the development of decorative painting teaching.


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3 趙s,




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