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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-14 10:27

  本文選題:薄膜 + 結(jié)構(gòu)色。 參考:《河北師范大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The researchers found that structural colors have the advantages of iris effect, high reflectivity, polarization and so on. In recent years, a large number of experimental studies have proved that there is a close relationship between structural color and microstructure. Therefore, biomimetic systems similar to structural colors have attracted extensive research interest. It has been found that PAA can produce structured color films, which are widely used in anti-counterfeiting, decoration and other fields. In this paper, PAA thin films were prepared by primary anodization method in phosphoric acid electrolyte. Then Cu nanowires were deposited into the bottom of the pores of PAA films by alternating current electrochemical deposition using PAA as template. The microstructure and optical properties of the films were analyzed in detail. In addition, PAA thin films prepared by secondary anodization have been widely used because of their highly ordered nano-porous arrays. As we know, porous PAA thin films have a large specific surface area, resulting in a large number of oxygen vacancies in the pores, and also have an important impact on the physical properties of the films, such as ferromagnetism, resistance switching characteristics. Therefore, porous Cu2OTiO-2 composite films were prepared by DC magnetron sputtering on PAA substrate. The physical properties of these porous composite films were studied by various characterization methods. The results are as follows: (1) at room temperature, a series of PAA / Al thin films were prepared by primary anodization method in phosphoric acid electrolyte. Its color saturation is obviously increased. When the oxidation time is different, the composite film can get different color and can be controlled in the whole visible light range. UV-Vis reflectance spectra show that with the increase of oxidation time, the maximum reflectance wavelength 位 max of the film is red-shifted. In addition, the theoretical values of the effective refractive index and the maximum reflection wavelength 位 max calculated by the Bragg formula are in good agreement with the experimental results. Finally, we prepared a colorful pattern by organic assisted method. (2) A CuS2O thin film was deposited on PAA substrate by DC magnetron sputtering. In the absence of an applied bias magnetic field, the magnetization of Cu _ S _ 2O / PAA composite films can be regulated by applying a reversible and repeatable electric field, and it is found that the composite films have resistive switching behavior. UV-Vis spectra show that there are a lot of oxygen vacancies in CuS / PAA composite films. Further analysis shows that the formation and fracture of conductive filament in the composite film are closely related to the oxygen vacancy. In addition, the application of electric field to the sample can trigger different resistance states. Therefore, the magnetic properties of the composite films can be controlled by applying a small electric field at room temperature) the TiO-2 thin films are deposited on PAA substrates by DC magnetron sputtering. UV-Vis spectra show that there are a lot of oxygen vacancies in TIO _ 2 / PAA composite films. We found that the bipolar resistance of Ag- / TiO-2 / PAA- Al devices, the formation and fracture of conductive filaments and the ability of devices to be triggered to different resistance states are closely related to oxygen vacancies. If we apply a small voltage to the device, the resistance will produce a significant conversion. Stable bipolar resistive behavior was observed in the prepared composite films to regulate the change of ferromagnetism. The magnetization of the samples triggered to the high resistance state is three times that of the samples tested in the prepared state. The stability of the sample was further proved by the cyclic test of Ag- / TiO-2 / PAA / Al devices for 10 consecutive cycles.


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