

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-13 09:41

  本文選題:低碳 + 裝飾裝修。 參考:《科技與企業(yè)》2013年17期

[Abstract]:With the improvement of people's living standards and life pursuit, "low carbon" has become a topic of concern for more and more people. In modern architectural decoration and decoration, people are more and more demanding for low carbon decoration. It is more inclined to build low carbon in the choice of living, business, leisure and so on. As an important part of modern architecture, decoration workers are the important part of modern architecture. The process should be guided by sustainable development. Through innovative products and methods, we should achieve the standard of low consumption, low emission and high quality environment as far as possible, and achieve the coordinated development of economy, construction and ecological environment protection.
【作者單位】: 平煤神馬建工集團土建處;


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