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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-12 14:39

  本文選題:西域 + 中亞; 參考:《民族藝術研究》2013年01期

[Abstract]:Central Asia lies in the middle part of the Silk Road, where Chinese, Central Asian, grassland, Indian and Persian cultures converge. By studying the shapes and ornaments of silk fabrics, wool fabrics, gold products and bronze mirrors unearthed in northwestern China and central Asia, we can find that there are many cultural and artistic elements from China. The formation of some artistic modeling and artistic style is the result of the mutual exchange and integration of Chinese culture and Western culture. This paper takes the ancient tomb of Altaibazer Rek, the Tomb of Isek in Kazak, the Ancient Tomb of Shanpura in Xinjiang and the works of Art unearthed in "Golden Hill" in Afghanistan as the research objects. To demonstrate the influence of the elements of Chinese art and Chinese silk culture on the art of the Western region in the early Qin and Han dynasties.
【作者單位】: 蘇州大學藝術學院藝術學(史論)系;
【基金】:2007年度國家社會科學基金藝術學項目《我國西北部古代藝術的文化多樣性研究——亞歐內(nèi)陸與古代中國的文化交流》(沈愛鳳主持)(編號07BA11) 江蘇省高校優(yōu)勢學科建設工程項目(藝術學)


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