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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-10 05:42

  本文選題:沈陽偉鑫裝飾有限公司 + 房地產(chǎn)估價。 參考:《東北大學(xué)》2010年碩士論文

【摘要】:中國的房地產(chǎn)評估行業(yè)是一個新興的行業(yè),它是市場經(jīng)濟(jì)體系中的一個重要的中介服務(wù)行業(yè),是社會經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展到一定階段的客觀要求和必然產(chǎn)物,從起步到今天僅有十多年的歷史。在房地產(chǎn)評估體系中,市場法、收益法、成本法和假設(shè)開發(fā)法是中國內(nèi)地常用的四大評估方法。本文結(jié)合沈陽偉鑫裝飾有限公司的房產(chǎn)評估項目,對基于市場法的房產(chǎn)價值評估問題進(jìn)行了研究。 沈陽偉鑫裝飾有限公司是一家主要從事室內(nèi)外裝飾裝修行業(yè)的裝飾工程公司,多年以來積累了寶貴的經(jīng)驗和良好的口碑。公司的注冊資金為三百萬元,隨著業(yè)務(wù)的拓展,經(jīng)營的完善,公司需要擴(kuò)大規(guī)模,由于資金短缺,需要通過融資的方式來籌措資金,以保障公司的正常運(yùn)營,具體的方式是以公司擁有的房地產(chǎn)作為抵押,從銀行貸款。因此,沈陽偉鑫裝飾有限公司委托遼寧冠源房地產(chǎn)評估有限公司對其所屬的位于沈陽市和平區(qū)和平北大街的一幢商務(wù)辦公樓進(jìn)行評估。本文結(jié)合此案例針對市場法進(jìn)行應(yīng)用研究。 本文首先對房地產(chǎn)評估中市場法的研究背景、研究意義和方法作了概述;然后從房地產(chǎn)評估的類型、特點、價值標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和評估方法的概念、理論依據(jù)等方面闡述了房地產(chǎn)評估的基本理論;在此基礎(chǔ)上著重研究市場法的評估過程。本文的重點是結(jié)合沈陽偉鑫裝飾有限公司的房產(chǎn)評估項目,根據(jù)實際工作中的案例分析,通過運(yùn)用市場法對房產(chǎn)價值評估進(jìn)行應(yīng)用研究,指出相對于其他評估方法,應(yīng)用市場法更符合當(dāng)事人的現(xiàn)實經(jīng)濟(jì)行為,評估過程能夠直接反映房地產(chǎn)的市場狀況,也更容易被客戶接受;最后通過實際案例的評估過程總結(jié)應(yīng)用市場法還存在的問題,并針對這些問題提出相應(yīng)的對策。
[Abstract]:China's real estate evaluation industry is a new industry, it is an important intermediary service industry in the market economy system, it is the objective requirement and inevitable product of the social economic development to a certain stage. From the beginning to today, there are only ten years of history. In the real estate evaluation system, market approach, income approach, cost method and hypothetical development method are the four commonly used evaluation methods in the mainland of China. Based on the real estate evaluation project of Shenyang Weixin Decoration Co., Ltd, this paper studies the property value evaluation based on the market method. Shenyang Weixin Decoration Co., Ltd. is a decoration engineering company mainly engaged in the decoration and decoration industry. Over the years has accumulated valuable experience and good reputation. The registered capital of the company is 3 million yuan. With the expansion of the business and the improvement of the operation, the company needs to expand its scale. Due to the shortage of funds, it needs to raise funds by means of financing to ensure the normal operation of the company. The specific way is to the company owned real estate as collateral, from the bank loans. Therefore, Shenyang Weixin Decoration Co., Ltd. commissioned Liaoning Guanyuan Real Estate Evaluation Co., Ltd. to evaluate a commercial office building located in Heping North Street, Heping District, Shenyang. Based on this case, this paper studies the application of market method. Firstly, this paper summarizes the research background, significance and method of market method in real estate evaluation, and then from the types and characteristics of real estate evaluation, This paper expounds the basic theory of real estate evaluation in terms of the concept and theoretical basis of the value standard and evaluation method, and on this basis studies the evaluation process of the market method. The emphasis of this paper is to combine the real estate evaluation project of Shenyang Weixin Decoration Co., Ltd., according to the case analysis of actual work, through the use of market method to study the application of real estate value evaluation, pointing out that compared with other evaluation methods, The application of market method is more in line with the real economic behavior of the parties, and the evaluation process can directly reflect the market situation of real estate, and it is also easier to be accepted by customers. Finally, through the evaluation process of actual cases, the problems existing in the application of the market method are summarized. And put forward the corresponding countermeasures to these problems.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前6條

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