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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-09 13:11

  本文選題:民國時(shí)期 + 建筑空間 ; 參考:《河北科技大學(xué)》2012年碩士論文

【摘要】:目前,河北省內(nèi)保護(hù)歷史文化遺產(chǎn),延續(xù)城市文脈的呼聲越來越高,政府部門也積極采取相應(yīng)措施,石家莊擁有的民國時(shí)期建筑規(guī)模雖小,但也是一種特殊的城市資源。石家莊在我國的革命史上占有特殊的、光榮的位置,石家莊現(xiàn)存的民國建筑富有重要政治、歷史意義,然而對(duì)于這些建筑的研究甚少,對(duì)這些建筑的保護(hù)還尚未得到足夠的重視。 本文在此社會(huì)背景下以民國時(shí)期為切入點(diǎn),對(duì)石家莊所轄范圍內(nèi)民國時(shí)期的建筑裝飾藝術(shù)進(jìn)行研究。通過考察該地區(qū)民國時(shí)期建筑的保存現(xiàn)狀,對(duì)其建筑裝飾的表現(xiàn)形式進(jìn)行分析整理,進(jìn)而全面總結(jié)其建筑藝術(shù)特征、地域特色,,以此作為對(duì)當(dāng)?shù)乇Wo(hù)和開發(fā)利用現(xiàn)存民國建筑的理論參考。 論文從民國時(shí)期建筑裝飾藝術(shù)的概況以及民國時(shí)期的文化及歷史背景入手,分析石家莊民國時(shí)期建筑風(fēng)格與裝飾藝術(shù)的特點(diǎn),并結(jié)合石家莊地域文化,進(jìn)一步對(duì)石家莊民國建筑造型裝飾、圖案、色彩以及裝飾的材料與技術(shù)等進(jìn)行分析、整理,最后從科學(xué)的角度為石家莊民國時(shí)期建筑的保護(hù)與傳承提出建議。
[Abstract]:At present, there are more and more calls to protect historical and cultural heritage in Hebei Province and to continue the city context. The government departments also actively take corresponding measures. Shijiazhuang has a small scale of buildings in the period of the Republic of China, but it is also a special urban resource. Shijiazhuang occupies a special and glorious position in the revolutionary history of our country. Shijiazhuang's existing Republic of China architecture is of great political and historical significance. The protection of these buildings has not been paid enough attention to. In this social background, this paper takes the period of the Republic of China as the breakthrough point, and studies the architectural decoration art in Shijiazhuang during the period of the Republic of China. By investigating the preservation status of architecture in the period of the Republic of China in this area, this paper analyzes and arranges the expression forms of architectural decoration, and then sums up the characteristics of architectural art and regional features in an all-round way. As a theoretical reference for the local protection and development of the existing Republic of China architecture, the thesis starts with the general situation of architectural decoration art in the Republic of China period and the cultural and historical background of the Republic of China period. This paper analyzes the characteristics of architectural style and decorative art in Shijiazhuang during the Republic of China period, and combines with Shijiazhuang regional culture to further analyze the decoration, pattern, color, materials and techniques of decoration in Shijiazhuang Republic of China. Finally, from a scientific point of view, the protection and inheritance of Shijiazhuang construction during the period of the Republic of China put forward suggestions.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前1條

1 盧海鳴;南京民國建筑評(píng)析[J];上海城市管理職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào);2002年02期

相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前3條

1 盧昀偉;中西方建筑仿生差異比較與發(fā)展研究[D];天津大學(xué);2004年

2 王曉華;中西文化影響下的太原近代建筑[D];太原理工大學(xué);2008年

3 張明明;鎮(zhèn)江民國時(shí)期建筑藝術(shù)特色研究[D];江南大學(xué);2008年




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