

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-08 03:50

  本文選題:現(xiàn)代茶館 + 傳統(tǒng)裝飾元素; 參考:《福建茶葉》2016年12期

[Abstract]:In this paper, the main trend features of modern teahouse design are briefly introduced, and the important value of introducing traditional decorative elements into modern teahouse design is explained in detail. Then some suggestions on the application strategy of traditional decorative elements in modern teahouse are put forward, hoping to enlighten the current design of teahouse. The main characteristics of modern teahouse design include: first, the visual trend of teahouse design; second, the trend of function differentiation of teahouse design; third, the trend of human culture in teahouse design. The important value of introducing the traditional decorative elements into the modern teahouse design is reflected in the following aspects: first, the traditional decorative elements are conducive to injecting a harmonious aesthetic standpoint into the modern teahouse; Second, the traditional decorative elements are conducive to injecting cultural soft power into the modern teahouse, and the third is conducive to carrying forward the spirit of Chinese traditional culture. The application strategies of traditional decorative elements in modern teahouse can be tried in the application strategy of traditional decorative elements, regional traditional decorative elements and emotional design strategies.
【作者單位】: 內(nèi)蒙古建筑職業(yè)技術(shù)學院裝飾與藝術(shù)設計學院;


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