

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-06 13:53

  本文選題:紫砂壺 + 紫砂壺窯前刻藝; 參考:《山東大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Purple sand pot is the main representative of Chinese traditional ceramic art purple sand ware. It was made from the purple sand clay fine workmanship peculiar to Yixing, Jiangsu province. Once it was produced, it was quickly paid attention to by literati and scholars. In addition to the fact that the purple sand kettle is more suitable for tea drinking than porcelain and other glass containers, the purple sand has a soft and reserved color, and the shape of the teapot makes the tea drinkers comfortable and talented. Every aspect gets the perfect enjoyment. In the process of its development, it gradually integrates other kinds of art, and is endowed with unique aesthetic meaning and high technological value. The lithography in front of purple sand kiln refers to the traces of writing in the body of purple sand pot before it is fired into kiln. Or symbols, or words, or painting, also for purple sand pot engraving. Purple sand pot carving art really began in Ming Dynasty, flourished in the Qing Dynasty, usually engraved on the pot of Chinese traditional calligraphy and painting, mostly for the ancient poetry Zen and famous calligraphy style. After the middle and late Qing Dynasty, owing to the promotion of tea drinking and the change of literati and officials' aesthetic taste, some calligraphy and painting seal characters wrote poems and paintings on the purple sand pot, which revolutionized the decoration style of the purple sand pot. The unsigned or hidden place has been raised to a large area of inscription in the body of the pot, from simple signature marking to a decorative representation, and at the same time turning the purple sand pot from a utility to a craftsmanship and becoming a good instrument for expressing feelings. Set off a new chapter of purple sand culture. This paper makes a comprehensive study on the influence of purple sand pottery decoration from the aspects of modeling layout and knife work of engraving art foundation and engraving of calligraphy and painting works with decorative form. Through several representative purple sand pots to concretely analyze the main expression techniques of the purple sand kiln front engraving, and try to analyze the cultural significance and the development idea of the purple sand kiln front engraving art. In order to make the purple sand kiln front engraving art to have the characteristics of the times.


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