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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-04 23:55

  本文選題:漆藝 + 室內(nèi)環(huán)境; 參考:《南昌大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:屏風(fēng),是我國較之于桌椅更早出現(xiàn)的家具之一。由于我國古代建筑大都是土木構(gòu)成的院落結(jié)構(gòu),屏風(fēng)用于建筑內(nèi)部的擋風(fēng),所謂“屏其風(fēng)也”,被稱之為“邸”或“bF”出現(xiàn)于西周。其誕生之初是天子無尚權(quán)力的象征。隨著社會發(fā)展,屏風(fēng)也逐漸走入普通官吏和平民百姓的生活。屏風(fēng)所呈現(xiàn)出來的文化底蘊和營造出來的悠然、清凈的氛圍,恰好是現(xiàn)代環(huán)境中能夠讓人備感愜意和舒適的狀態(tài)。作為現(xiàn)代建筑環(huán)境藝術(shù)的重要組成部分,屏風(fēng)的設(shè)計設(shè)計與制作不單純是室內(nèi)的擺件,,在不失去她本身功能的同時更多的是承載著這個時代的文化信息,及藝術(shù)價值。純裝飾的功能被放大化。屏風(fēng)的工藝種類:漆藝屏風(fēng)(漆屏風(fēng))、木雕屏風(fēng)、石材、絹素屏風(fēng)、云母屏風(fēng)、玻璃屏風(fēng)、竹藤屏風(fēng)、金屬屏風(fēng)等琳瑯滿目,各有千秋,不過很多都是時代的產(chǎn)物,經(jīng)久不衰的還要是漆屏風(fēng)。 本文通過對屏風(fēng)在傳統(tǒng)與現(xiàn)代室內(nèi)環(huán)境中運用的淺析,一起屏風(fēng)為鑿入點概括說明屏風(fēng)的發(fā)展歷程及其變化特點。指出屏風(fēng)的發(fā)展應(yīng)順應(yīng)時代,以最佳方式適應(yīng)現(xiàn)代室內(nèi)設(shè)計,并在其中得到不同應(yīng)用。使其自身的工藝價值,藝術(shù)價值得到提升和認可。
[Abstract]:Screen is one of the furniture that appeared earlier than the table and chair in our country. Because most of the ancient buildings in China were composed of civil structures, the screens were used to shield the wind inside the buildings. The so-called "houses" or "bF" appeared in the Western Zhou Dynasty. At the beginning of its birth, it was the symbol of the power of the son of Heaven. With the development of society, screen also gradually entered the lives of ordinary officials and ordinary people. The cultural background and the leisurely and clean atmosphere created by the screen are just the comfortable and comfortable conditions in the modern environment. As an important part of the art of modern architectural environment, the design and production of screen is not only an indoor decoration, but also carries the cultural information and artistic value of this era while not losing its own function. The function of pure decoration is enlarged. Screen types: lacquer screen, wood screen, stone screen, silk screen, mica screen, glass screen, bamboo vine screen, metal screen, etc. What will last is the paint screen. By analyzing the application of screen in traditional and modern indoor environment, this paper summarizes the development course and changing characteristics of screen. It is pointed out that the development of screen should conform to the times, adapt to modern interior design in the best way, and be applied in different ways. Make its own craft value, the artistic value obtains the promotion and the recognition.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前1條

1 劉淑娟;;論漆藝文化在現(xiàn)代設(shè)計中的運用[J];藝術(shù)評論;2010年08期




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