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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-04 10:55

  本文選題:中日 + 傳統(tǒng)家具; 參考:《中南林業(yè)科技大學》2009年碩士論文

【摘要】:家具裝飾就是對家具形體表面的美化,其最主要最普通的表現(xiàn)形式就是圖案裝飾。這些圖案在家具中不僅起者重要的裝飾和美化作用,還有著豐富的內(nèi)涵,常常反映出一個民族特有的氣質,體現(xiàn)著民族思想觀念、道德規(guī)范和審美情趣等,是民族歷史文明的重要標志,同時也體現(xiàn)出不同時期家具的風格特征。 中日兩國一衣帶水,隔海相望,有著特殊的地緣關系和相似的文化傳統(tǒng)、相近的風俗習慣,決定了兩國傳統(tǒng)家具裝飾圖案在內(nèi)容、題材、喻意內(nèi)涵、表現(xiàn)手法等多方面都有著極大的相同或相近性。但不同的生活方式及其特殊的民族氣質又形成了兩國傳統(tǒng)家具裝飾圖案之間的差異和可比性。 論文以中日文化交流為背景,采用平行比較研究法、影響比較研究法,對中日兩國傳統(tǒng)家具裝飾圖案的演變進行比較研究。指出:中日兩國傳統(tǒng)家具裝飾圖案是“同源異流”的,并且日本傳統(tǒng)家具裝飾圖案是“以中國為源,唐風為基礎,不斷融合其他藝術發(fā)展而來的”。其裝飾圖案在諸多方面均有相似點,但兩國的歷史發(fā)展、地理環(huán)境差異、生活方式的改變以及民族性格不同又決定了中日傳統(tǒng)家具圖案裝飾有本質性的區(qū)別。通過對裝飾圖案題材分類的比較研究,指出:中日傳統(tǒng)家具圖案題材“同源”,日本傳統(tǒng)家具裝飾圖案主要以植物花草紋樣為主,而中國傳統(tǒng)家具裝飾圖案多樣化,動植物裝飾紋樣并重。吉祥圖案是中國傳統(tǒng)家具裝飾的一大特色,“家紋”作為裝飾圖案,也是日本傳統(tǒng)家具裝飾藝術的一種獨有現(xiàn)象;通過對裝飾題材內(nèi)涵的比較,指出:中國傳統(tǒng)家具受儒、道兩家思想影響,裝飾藝術體現(xiàn)“吉祥、宏大、中庸、飛動”的特征。日本傳統(tǒng)家具受禪宗思想的影響,裝飾藝術體現(xiàn)“物哀、精微、殘缺、寂靜”的特征;通過對裝飾手法的比較研究,指出:結構裝飾是我國傳統(tǒng)家具裝飾的一個特色,其他裝飾手法中日兩國各有千秋,但巧奪天工的日本蒔繪漆藝和精巧秀麗的雕刻裝飾,值得現(xiàn)代設計師思考和學習。
[Abstract]:Furniture decoration is to beautify the surface of furniture form, its most common form of expression is pattern decoration. These patterns not only play an important role in decorating and beautifying the furniture, but also have rich connotations, often reflecting the unique temperament of a nation, embodying national ideas, moral norms and aesthetic tastes, etc. Is an important symbol of national history and civilization, but also reflects the style of furniture in different periods. China and Japan are separated from each other by a narrow strip of water, with special geographical relations, similar cultural traditions, similar customs and customs, which determine the content, theme, and connotation of the decorative patterns of the two countries' traditional furniture. Performance techniques and other aspects have a great deal of the same or similar. But different life styles and their special national temperament form the difference and comparability between the traditional furniture decoration patterns of the two countries. Based on the cultural exchange between China and Japan, this paper makes a comparative study on the evolution of the traditional furniture decoration patterns between China and Japan by using the parallel comparative research method and the influence comparative research method. It is pointed out that the Chinese and Japanese traditional furniture decoration patterns are "homologous and different", and the Japanese traditional furniture decoration patterns are "based on China, Tang Feng as the foundation, and the continuous integration of other art development". Its decorative patterns are similar in many aspects, but the historical development, the difference of geographical environment, the change of life style and the difference of national character between the two countries determine the essential difference between Chinese and Japanese traditional furniture pattern decoration. Through the comparative study on the classification of decorative patterns, it is pointed out that: the traditional furniture patterns of China and Japan are "homologous", the decorative patterns of Japanese traditional furniture are mainly plants, flowers and plants, and the decorative patterns of Chinese traditional furniture are diversified. The decorative patterns of plants and animals are equally important. Auspicious pattern is a major feature of Chinese traditional furniture decoration. As a decorative pattern, "home pattern" is also a unique phenomenon of Japanese traditional furniture decoration art. Taoism two schools of thought influence, decorative art embodies the characteristics of "auspicious, grand, moderate, flying". The traditional Japanese furniture is influenced by Zen thought, and the decorative art embodies the features of "the object is sad, delicate, incomplete and silent". Through the comparative study of the decoration techniques, it is pointed out that the structural decoration is a characteristic of the traditional furniture decoration in our country. Other decoration techniques, China and Japan have their own strengths, but exquisite Japanese painting lacquer and exquisite carving decoration, worthy of modern designers to think and learn.


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3 呂九芳;張彬淵;;中國傳統(tǒng)家具的吉祥圖案[J];家具;2000年03期

4 朱煉;劉曦卉;;明清箱柜類家具的金屬飾件[J];家具;2001年02期

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6 宣曉志,戴向東,張玉;日本和式家具的造型特征略論[J];家具與室內(nèi)裝飾;2003年03期

7 唐彩云;中國傳統(tǒng)家具五金配件初探[J];家具與室內(nèi)裝飾;2004年04期

8 鄒涵辰;李克忠;吳哲;;明式家具裝飾圖案對現(xiàn)代中式家具設計的啟示[J];家具與室內(nèi)裝飾;2007年02期

9 張肖;戴向東;劉文海;;中日傳統(tǒng)家具造型差異探析[J];家具與室內(nèi)裝飾;2009年04期

10 陳祖建;何曉琴;;略探中國家具圖案裝飾的發(fā)展[J];美與時代(下半月);2002年08期

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1 戴向東;中日傳統(tǒng)家具文化比較研究[D];中南林業(yè)科技大學;2007年

2 李敏秀;中西家具文化比較研究[D];南京林業(yè)大學;2003年

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1 宣曉志;日本傳統(tǒng)家具風格的研究[D];中南林學院;2003年

2 唐彩云;中國傳統(tǒng)家具五金配件的研究[D];中南林學院;2004年





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