

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-03 00:45

  本文選題:高中 + 裝飾畫 ; 參考:《四川師范大學》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:“裝飾”一詞與藝術(shù)是不可分割的,一切藝術(shù)皆源于裝飾。裝飾繪畫作為一門獨立的藝術(shù)門類,是從繪畫向?qū)I(yè)設(shè)計進行過渡的重要課程,在藝術(shù)教學中具有承上啟下的重要作用。在針對“裝飾”一詞進行斟酌,其內(nèi)涵為通過繪畫的藝術(shù)形式而展現(xiàn)出的平面化、程式化、韻律感、浪漫、和諧等視覺效果,繼而呈現(xiàn)出繪畫在韻律和節(jié)奏感中的審美情趣及藝術(shù)氣息。裝飾繪畫在通往專業(yè)藝術(shù)設(shè)計的過程中,具有無法替代的作用,通過該課程的教授,,可以有效的鍛煉學生的思維、自主性和創(chuàng)新能力,在實踐和創(chuàng)新當中提高學生的創(chuàng)新能力。 在傳統(tǒng)的教學模式之下,裝飾畫教學僅僅注重循規(guī)蹈矩的理論教學,忽視了學生的主觀能動性,抑制了學生的發(fā)散思維及創(chuàng)造能力。在多元化的社會文化當中,傳統(tǒng)的教學模式已經(jīng)不適應(yīng)現(xiàn)代社會的發(fā)展。在裝飾畫教學中要真正的領(lǐng)會教學的真正內(nèi)涵,并在進行繪畫技巧、繪畫知識教授的過程中對學生進行自主創(chuàng)新能力和發(fā)散思維的培養(yǎng)性思維,使人才培養(yǎng)模式與社會的人才需求相適應(yīng)。 本研究在因材施教、因地制宜的基礎(chǔ)之上,采用實驗對比分析法,開展高中繪畫模塊中裝飾畫教學的研究。裝飾畫教學、裝飾畫概念、裝飾畫分類、裝飾畫的發(fā)展過程等探討為本研究奠定了理論基礎(chǔ),裝飾畫教學在我國高中繪畫模塊當中的教學意義與現(xiàn)狀分析是本研究開展的前提。在研究對象、技法、工具、過程、實踐等模式下,探討裝飾畫教學的內(nèi)容與方法,包括裝飾畫的構(gòu)成要素、節(jié)奏韻律、組合形式、處理技法、構(gòu)圖要求、色彩變化以及黑白裝飾畫等,并對教學案例進行分析、總結(jié)和反思。最后對裝飾畫教學的效果進行評價,得出裝飾畫教學可提高學生的審美能力、提升學生的繪畫技巧、培養(yǎng)學生的繪畫興趣以及對優(yōu)秀作品進行展示。
[Abstract]:The word "decoration" is inseparable from art, and all art originates from decoration. Decorative painting, as an independent art category, is an important course from painting to professional design, which plays an important role in art teaching. In considering the term "decoration", its connotation is the visual effects of flatness, stylization, rhythm, romance, harmony and so on, which are displayed through the artistic form of painting. Then it presents the aesthetic taste and artistic flavor of painting in rhythm and rhythm. Decorative painting in the process of leading to professional art design has an irreplaceable role, through the course of teaching, can effectively exercise students' thinking, autonomy and innovation ability, in practice and innovation to improve students' innovative ability. Under the traditional teaching mode, the decorative painting teaching only pays attention to the theoretical teaching of the following rules, neglects the students' subjective initiative, and inhibits the students' divergent thinking and creative ability. In the pluralistic social culture, the traditional teaching mode has not adapted to the development of modern society. In the teaching of decorative painting, we should really understand the real connotation of teaching, and in the process of painting skills and painting knowledge teaching, we should train students' ability of independent innovation and divergent thinking. Make the talent training mode adapt to the social talent demand. Based on the teaching of aptitude and local conditions, this study carried out the study of decorative painting teaching in senior high school drawing module by means of experimental comparative analysis. The teaching of decorative painting, the concept of decorative painting, the classification of decorative painting and the development process of decorative painting have laid a theoretical foundation for this study. The teaching significance and current situation analysis of decorative painting teaching in Chinese senior high school painting module is the premise of this study. Under the research object, technique, tool, process, practice and so on, this paper discusses the contents and methods of decorative painting teaching, including the composing elements of decorative painting, rhythmic prosody, combination form, processing technique, composition requirement, etc. Color changes and black and white decorative painting, and teaching case analysis, summary and reflection. Finally, the effect of decorative painting teaching is evaluated. It is concluded that decorative painting teaching can improve students' aesthetic ability, improve students' painting skills, cultivate students' interest in painting and display excellent works.


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