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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-01 18:03

  本文選題:川西 + 傳統(tǒng)民居裝飾; 參考:《西南交通大學(xué)》2011年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The decoration of traditional houses in western Sichuan is dependent on the architectural entity of traditional houses, which embodies a great deal of information of regional culture. It is rooted in the West Sichuan Plain, with various forms of expression and rich cultural connotations. It is an excellent traditional architectural decoration culture. In the tide of globalization and internationalization, people are becoming more and more aware of the importance of maintaining traditional culture and regional characteristics. After the Wenchuan earthquake of 5.12, a large number of traditional houses in western Sichuan have been destroyed, and the decoration of traditional houses in western Sichuan has not been spared. How to recreate the decoration of traditional houses in western Sichuan and inherit the traditional regional culture is a problem that must be considered in post-disaster reconstruction. Based on this, this paper studies the application of traditional residential decoration in reconstruction of residential buildings after disaster, hoping to put forward some humble views on the heritage of traditional regional culture. This paper first puts forward the realistic significance of the decoration of traditional houses in western Sichuan after the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake, and then starts from the study of its existing environment and basic characteristics to understand and grasp the characteristics of decoration of traditional houses in western Sichuan; The third chapter puts forward the requirements of building decoration after disaster reconstruction, the fourth chapter analyzes and studies the decoration of residential buildings after disaster, combined with the example of Mianzhu New year painting Village, a typical post-disaster reconstruction project. The fifth chapter discusses the application of traditional residence decoration in western Sichuan in the reconstruction of residential buildings after disaster from the aspects of application principles, application ideas, basic strategies and so on. Finally, it is pointed out that only through the in-depth study of the decoration of traditional residential buildings and the analysis and induction of traditional regional culture, can we find out its vital cultural core, and combine with the needs of the times, new technologies, new materials and new means. Only by incorporating relevant elements into the new building can we truly embody the regional characteristics and inherit the traditional culture. Although it is impossible to put forward a set of theories of universal significance on the inheritance of the decoration of traditional houses in western Sichuan, it is hoped that it can be used more reasonably and ideally, and some related theoretical methods can be summed up for the decoration of traditional houses in western Sichuan. Provides a thought revelation.


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