

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-01 05:19

  本文選題:非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn) + 民間匠作畫(huà)藝; 參考:《西安美術(shù)學(xué)院》2007年碩士論文

【摘要】: 本文以中國(guó)非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)保護(hù)工作全面推展、陜北民間匠藝丹青申報(bào)陜西省及國(guó)家級(jí)非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)代表作項(xiàng)目為背景,以文化人類(lèi)學(xué)的田野考察和相關(guān)口述史的采訪記錄為基本方法,從民眾起居環(huán)境的視點(diǎn)出發(fā),對(duì)陜北民眾窯居生活所產(chǎn)生的藝術(shù)活動(dòng)——窯居壁畫(huà)和家具裝飾畫(huà),進(jìn)行了較為詳實(shí)、系統(tǒng)、深入的考察。冀圖通過(guò)此課題的研究揭示民間匠作畫(huà)藝包括的豐富內(nèi)容。陜北榆林地區(qū)以窯居壁畫(huà)和家具裝飾畫(huà)為代表的民間匠作畫(huà)藝是廣大下層民眾多彩生活的映射,同時(shí)也表達(dá)了他們對(duì)生活的熱愛(ài)和對(duì)美的追求。這里的民間畫(huà)匠正是為此而存在。并在此基礎(chǔ)上對(duì)榆林民間匠作畫(huà)藝歷史淵源作了初步探索,對(duì)陜北民間匠作畫(huà)藝作為非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)如何有效保護(hù)作了初步探討。
[Abstract]:This paper is based on the comprehensive development of the protection of China's intangible cultural heritage, the application of the folk craftsmanship Danqing in Northern Shaanxi Province and the representative projects of the national intangible cultural heritage. Taking the field investigation of cultural anthropology and the interview records of related oral history as the basic method, from the viewpoint of the living environment of the people, this paper makes a study of the artistic activities of the people living in the kilns of Northern Shaanxi-the murals and furniture ornaments of the kiln houses. More detailed, systematic, in-depth investigation was carried out. Ji Tu reveals the rich content of folk craftsman's art of painting through the research of this subject. The folk craftsman's painting art represented by the murals and furniture decorative paintings in Yulin area of northern Shaanxi is a reflection of the colorful life of the masses of the lower class and also expresses their love of life and pursuit of beauty. It is for this reason that the folk painters here exist. On this basis, the historical origin of the folk craftsman's painting art in Yulin is preliminarily explored, and how to effectively protect the folk craftsman's painting art as the intangible cultural heritage in Northern Shaanxi is discussed.


相關(guān)博士學(xué)位論文 前1條

1 高曉黎;傳統(tǒng)建筑彩作中的榆林式[D];西安美術(shù)學(xué)院;2010年

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1 林靜靜;從二夾弦興衰看民族文化遺產(chǎn)的保護(hù)[D];河南大學(xué);2009年





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