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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-10 20:10
[Abstract]:Mou Zongsan's philosophical thought is much studied in contemporary academic circles, but he seldom dabbles in his aesthetic theory. Mou Zongsan's aesthetic thought is characterized by emphasizing that there is a kind of "comprehensive harmony spirit" in the life of Chinese culture, that is, heroic and artistic spirit. Mou Zongsan transformed Kant's philosophical aesthetics and established his own moral idealistic aesthetics with the Confucian school of mind. He thought that aesthetics is a kind of judgment, but it is more valuable or appreciative. Kant's aesthetic judgment theory has both insight and contradiction. From the point of view of Chinese aesthetics, truth, goodness and beauty have their own independence, but the three are one. The key to the integration of the three lies in the heart of morality, that is, the heart of practical reason. The heart of moral practice is the leading and the outline of people's construction of body and pole. Mou Zongsan's aesthetic thought of "digesting Kant and returning to Confucianism" is helpful for Chinese people to establish the unique quality of Chinese aesthetics and to realize the creative transformation of traditional aesthetics.
【作者單位】: 蘇州大學文學院


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