
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 論文百科 > 瓜果花卉論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-22 20:03
[Abstract]:A few days ago, the State Administration of Press, publication, Radio, Film and Television announced a list of the top 100 newspapers and periodicals in 2013, with 99 national newspapers including 100 social science periodicals and 100 scientific and technological periodicals. Heilongjiang Daily, Life News, New Evening News, the Party's Life, study and Exploration, motto, Management Science, 7 newspapers have been selected in our province. It is understood that through the provincial (district and municipal) press and publication bureaus and the central newspaper and periodicals competent units seriously organizing and recommending the evaluation and recommendation, 609 newspapers and periodicals were reported in the primary elections of more than 9800 nationwide newspapers and periodicals, of which 196 were newspapers, 254 were social science periodicals, and 159 were science and technology periodicals. The State Administration of Press, publication, Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) has established a special leadership for this purpose


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