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如今,中國(guó)政府越來越重視對(duì)文化遺產(chǎn)的保護(hù)和出版了一些政策和法規(guī)比以前。然而,有許多旅游發(fā)展規(guī)劃和法規(guī)不適用或不適用于中國(guó)地方層面的問題。這項(xiàng)研究旨在探討目前當(dāng)前中國(guó)旅游遺產(chǎn)保護(hù)政策有助于文化遺產(chǎn)保護(hù)中的城市和哪些因素應(yīng)該考慮進(jìn)一步的政策決策。它將介紹的目的,,文獻(xiàn)回顧,提出研究方法,提出了數(shù)據(jù)收集的方法和在下面的預(yù)期貢獻(xiàn)。Nowadays, the Chinese government pays more attention on the cultural heritage protection and has published some policies and regulations than ever before. However, there is an issue that many tourism development plans and regulations are not applied or only partially applied in the local level of China. This research proposal aims to investigate how far the current Chinese tourism heritage protection policy contributes to the cultural heritage protection in medium cities and what factors should take account for further policy decision making. It will introduce the objective, review of literature, proposed research methods, proposed data collection methods and expected contributions in the following. 

Objective of the study本研究的目的

This study aims to contribute to the frameworks regarding the implementation of Chinese heritage protection policy in medium cities, considering the factors both top-down and bottom-up approach, based on the theories regarding the implementation on general public policy. Also, it aims to find the main barrier affecting the cultural heritage protection policy implantation in the local level of China and try to find some solutions. 

This study intends to improve the implementation of cultural heritage protection policy both from decisions-makers respective and the local executors respective, it will be guided by the following questions:
What are the influential dimensions of current tourism heritage protection policy?
What are the main factors affecting the implementation of tourism policy in medium cities of China?
What level have the current tourism heritage protection policy reached?
Are there some potential solutions to improve the current situation? 

Review of literature文獻(xiàn)綜述

Dredge and Jenkins (2007) define the policy implementation as ‘the processthrough which policy ideas and plans are translated into practice’’. The implementation of the policy is described as ‘the process through which policy ideas and plans are translated into practice’ (Oratai, 2010). The issue in the Chinese tourism industry is that many tourism policies and regulations are not applied or are only partially applied (Barrett, 2004). Although this issue is of vital importance, Dodds (2007) suggested that ‘research on the implementation of Chinese tourism policy is weak.’

The practical implementation of policies involves relationship between the government’s intentions for policies and the tensions and negotiations among actors around those policies (Hill,2009). To the tourism industry, a framework outlines factors affecting the implementation of tourism policy was developed based on studies regarding tourism public administration, tourism policy-making and the implementation of general public policies (Eising, 2004).

There are processes of conflict and bargaining between the factors involved in daily policy-related activities (Wang, 2008). In general, obstacles included the lack of previous planning, limitedstakeholder enthusiasm for the plan over the long term, lack of integration with regional and national policy priorities, insufficient political will around applying the policies, and a focuson short-term and economic issues rather than on long-term and social and environmental issues (Pforr, 2006).

As to the China tourism policy implementation, Lai, Li, and Feng (2006) indicate that the barriers included the lack of details in the planning aboutthe implementation measures, limited practical experience among therelevant planners, a divergence in views between the planners and practitioners, and differences between priorities in the plan and thoseof the private sector. Also, Dan(2012) indicates that tourism policy implementation in China depends on local tourism administration organizations capability to coordinate with other public organizations. 

Case study and research method案例研究方法

The case study area
Zibo is a typical medium city in China which owns a number of cultural heritage sites. In China, government often focuses too much on the famous tourism heritage sites and often ignores the less famous ones. Zibo is the birthplace of Qi culture. Beside the national policy and regulation, the local government has published many regulations regarding to the protection of cultural heritage, for example, ‘the notice regarding to reinforce cultural heritage protection (2000)’ and ‘the notice regarding to reinforce the management of cultural relics market (2006)’.  However, there are still many problems such as poor awareness of cultural heritage protection, poorly developed institutions and lack of fund (Observation study, 2012).

The research method
This study will mainly use qualitative research method because the following reasons. Since tourism policy implementation in China has not been understood very well. Also, understanding the nature of the problem is more important before measure issues become a research interest. In addition, policy implementation is not well documented or too sensitive to be recorded in China. Hence, it is not suitable to use quantitative method to seek an emic understanding of how the tourism policy is implemented. So using qualitative research method is a better option. 

This research will be conducted in four stages. The first stage is to comprise the stakeholders’ identification of tourism implementation situation by in-depth interviews. The second stage is aim at collecting secondary information and developing indicators for measuring the implementation situation. The third stage will be consisted a participatory assessment of policy instruments, targeting the same stakeholders. The last stage is aim to find some potential solutions to improve the implementation of the policy. 

Data collection and analysis
Both primary and secondary data will be collected and used in this study. The main data resource is Zibo administration office and cultural heritage site. The primary data will be collected through interviews to gain in-depth information. Both the government officers involved in the policy-making and the tourism heritage site officers will be interviewed. Secondly data will be also collected to serve as the supplement of primary data. The potential secondary data sources are internal government documents, government publications and newspapers and magazines. In addition, the data will be collected from multiple sources to increase the trustworthiness of the research.

After collecting the raw data, it will be apply open-coding to generate code frames. The codes will be generated from the data without refer to the any ‘pre-conceive data’. Then use computer software such as Nvivo to manage the textual data. Also, the interview records and related secondary data such as government documents will be reviewed. After that, a grounded coding list will be further grouped with the application of the concepts in accordance with the theoretical framework. In the end, the developed codes will be applied to all interview transcripts. 

Theoretical and practical implications理論和實(shí)踐意義

This study considers the factors both at decision makers’ level and executors’ level.  It will shed lights on concepts and theories regarding tourism heritage protection in the local level of China. This study intends to identify the factors affecting the policy implementation and try to find some solutions may clearing the obstacles regrading to the tourism policy implementation. It can be used as guidance for the policy decision-makers of cultural heritage protection at local levels. 
In future studies, the conceptual framework developed in this study can be further investigated through a case study of implementing a specific policy. Besides, this study can be further developed with more cases in other locations in China such as small cities and old towns.


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