Chapter OneIntroduction
English, in the modern world today, plays a very important role in English teaching.As we can see, the world is becoming smaller and smaller with the rapid developmentof modern science and technology. People easily get in touch with new apps orconvenient daily tools which come from foreign countries, especially from the USA.Meanwhile, most of the instructions on the products are written in English. On the otherhand, more and more Chinese people are traveling abroad, which makes it urgent forthem to learn a foreign language that can help them during their journey. And Englishcan be the most useful language for its popularity and widely use in the world.For the students at our school, Xiaode Middle school, which is located in the ruralcountryside in Sichuan province. And in such places like Xiaode, where there is lack ofEnglish environment, in another word, the students have few chances to use thelanguage they are learning. As a result most of them are poor in English. They onlylearn English at school. For most of them, their parents can’t afford after school classes.And some of them really have the ambition to learn English well, because they have astrong will to pass the exams. They believe that knowledge can change their life. But asthey learn, English becomes more and more difficult. The grades on the exam papers arenot as good as they think. Day by day, some of the disadvantaged students becomeconfused in searching ways of learning. Some even lose heart, or give up. As you cansee, it is very urgent for the teachers at our school to find ways to help the students inour school to improve their self-confidence and English ability. Thanks to the newlybrought-in equipment, we feel hopeful. After the big earthquake in the year 2008, withthe help of the government and some warmhearted people around the world, a newteaching device—whiteboard was brought into our school.
Chapter TwoLiterature Review
2.1 An Over View of Multimedia Teaching
Since the 90's, computer technology has been rapidly developed and the computerhas been popularized. So computer assisted English teaching has been graduallybrought into classroom teaching, especially it is liked by the teachers of English. Itgradually replaced a variety of previous integrated media status. Therefore, themultimedia teaching, which we are now commonly refers to the use of multimediacomputer, is widespread among English teachers due to the help of multimedia teachingsoftware. People also call it the computer assisted instruction, CAI. “Multimediacomputer assisted instruction, MALT, refers to the use of multimedia computer tocomprehensively treat and control symbols, language, text, sound, graphics, video andothermedia information. In the process of multimedia teaching, the teacher puts thevarious factors organically. These elements can be displayed on the screen or projection.It can also play all kinds of sound according to needs.Multimedia technology is verywidely used in teaching, such as animation, hierarchical design, and simulationand testing. Teacher and computer to complete the teaching or training process,the students will not feel tired. (Zhang Juanmiao, 2008:32)".2.2 Theoretical Support
Constructivism is one of the basic theories during the development of themultimedia assistant teaching process. And the theory has become more and moreimportant in education. "Constructivism holds the opinion that the learners learnknowledge in a certain context, maybe a certain social and cultural background. Andwith the help of others and the certain learning materials, they based on their ownexperience to construct knowledge in their special way. Constructivism put emphaseson student-contentedness. Students discover and construct the meaning of knowledge that they have learned (Lou Yongjian, 2009: 42)". They make the new and oldknowledge integration together, which is also the way they learn. The traditionalteacher-centered teaching has been fundamentally changed by the popularization ofCAI.Constructivism emphasizes that students are the center of the classroom teaching.The main characteristics of constructivism are in three aspects: context, cooperation andcommunication, meaning construction. The context is the prerequisite of meaningconstruction. Only in real situations, the student can learn more effectively. CAI canprovide images, audio and video. It can be combined with other media to create similarto realistic environment for the students to help students to improve the quality oflearning.MALT can provide the learners with a lot of sensory stimulation. By theintegration of voice and text it can provide students with more and better informationand objective rules and relevant knowledge. Students organize and manage a variety ofteaching information, so that it can promote the development of their associativethinking and establish the connection between the old and the new concept. So it is verybeneficial for the students to construct the meaning of the current knowledge.Chapter three Research Methodology....... 11
3.1 Research Questions ......... 113.2 Settings .............. 12
3.3Research Subjects............ 12
3.4 Research Instruments ............ 13
3.5 Research Procedures ................. 14
3.6 Data Collection and Analysis ....... 15
Chapter Four Results and Discussion .......... 16
4.1 Results from the Questionnaires .......... 16
4.2 Results from the Interviews ............19
4.3 Results from the Observations......24
Chapter Five Conclusion............35
5.1 Major findings ................355.2 Implications .............35
5.3 Limitations .....................39
5.4 Future Research Directions............40Chapter FourResults and Discussion
4.1 Results from the Questionnaires
Obviously, from the form we can know that most students think the newtechnology in English class is effective. 61% students think it helps them to improvetheir interestsof learning English and the effect are pretty good. 22% students think theeffect of their interests of learning English is good, there are 17% students who think theeffect is just so so. On improving the remember ability, 67% of the students think theirremember ability has improved a lot. 16% of the students think that they improved alittle. I wonder why 3% of the students think there is no help at all. I interviewed someof them. And I got that most of them are not very good at English. They can’t rememberso much in a class. After class they don’t want to spend time in English. I worried that maybe they would lose heart. But results of improving the concentration show that 87%of the students think it is useful. No one think it is helpless. In other words, everyonelistens to the teacher and watch the white board more carefully. With the hard-working,we the reasons to believe they will make progress in English. 92% of students think it ismore helpful to watch colorful PPT than the white chalk on the blackboard.4.2 Results from the Interviews
In order to get more detailed information about the advantages and disadvantagesin using course ware in the daily teaching, the author interviewed all the Englishteachers at Xiaode Middle school with the question directly “ what is the advantagesand disadvantages of course ware in your process of teaching?Teachers thought that the students are more active in courseware class. And theclassroom atmosphere is mere relaxing. Compared with the traditional class, the contentof a class is larger more students can be involved in class. They can easily find that thestudents’ capacity in listening and writing as well as speaking is improved. And themore important one is that they are more confident than before. While using thecourseware, their own ability is improved. Such as computer, and most of them like toshare and look for information on line. Those who don’t like courseware class are theelder teachers who are not good at computers, but during the process of using it, theyadmit that course ware is really convenient.But there are still some questions, teachers complain that some students indulge inelaborating on the pictures or animations in the course-ware demonstration; somestudents stared at the screen teachers do not know if they are in a daze or thinking about;sometimes for the important knowledge points on course-ware that if teachers do notremind or not to write on the blackboard, the students do not take the initiative to takenotes; the multimedia the prevalence, whether public class or show class, no matterwhat, if not course ware as the invisible was a lower grade, this is a question of individual teachers. That is to say the students’ reactions in class are so good, but theycan’t get good marks in the test. Still there are some students who don’t like English,how to get these students involved in class so as to improve their English is a long termproblem that needs to be solved. Also some teachers feel that course ware production capacity needs to be improved...
Chapter FiveConclusion
5.1 Major findings
It contains two parts in the major findings. The advantages of course ware and theproblems of application course ware in daily teaching at Xiaode Middle school.The advantages: The multimedia courseware for classroom teaching brings aprofound revolution. Due to students’ participation, the class becomes more vivid,nteresting and attractive. The students are also more active. The use of multimediacourseware in teaching can make the aesthetic content into the aesthetic objectcombined by audio-visual and can make the aesthetic object still active, make studentseasily object perception, aesthetic appreciation. Rich curriculum resources makeeaching more vivid, full of infection. At the same time, students can enjoy the beauty ofclass by watching and listening to the courseware, which can arouse the studentslearning interest. Students with interest in learning and thinking, improve their learningmotivation. It can enhance the students’ memory of the learning contents by helping tocreate real-life situations. The most important is to use what they are learning. It canenhance students’ engagement and development of cognitive abilities; diversifyteaching aids, expanding teaching resources.The problems: the problems of application the course ware class in daily teachingat Xiaode Middle school are mainly from three aspects: most of the teachers in theschool are lack the knowledge of computer they have difficulties in making high qualityPPT. And the students don’t have strong ambitions to study well; there is nosurrounding for them to use the target language. The students’ eyes will get tired afterwatching the colorful white-board. The courseware is controlled by teachers, so it isso subjective; and courseware is so detailed to strengthen students' thinking in imagesthat it ignores the abstract thinking training.5.2 Implications
There are so many advantages in PPT class in English teaching. So how to makefull use of it is an urgent effect that has to be deal with in the school the authorresearched. Theuse of multimedia courseware has brought a new breakthrough to theEnglish classroom teaching; it benefited the teachers and learners with experiences aswell as let them understand some errors exist at the same time. Faced this reality, thereflection of improvement is imperative. In this part the author will discuss abouttheoptimization strategies from these aspects of multimedia courseware in EnglishTeaching in junior middle school.Teachers should always adhere that the computer can only play a supporting role ineducation. Teachers role in the classroom teaching is regard as the guiders, students arethe masters with different thoughts. Teachers should design the course ware accordingto the needs of their own students. So computers cannot replace the role of teachers.Even if excellent teachers design and make the courseware, then give it to good teacherswith good teaching methods could not match all the students so efficiently, after all,here are differences between levels of experience, environments, acceptance, cities andrural parts. With different teaching practice there will be different test results, therefore,the design of courseware should refer to teachers themselves, materials and students. Inthis way, it can help the learners do better. When making the PPT we should follow therules.