

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-07 17:23
【摘要】:近年來(lái),隨著計(jì)算機(jī)技術(shù)、信息處理技術(shù)以及網(wǎng)絡(luò)通信技術(shù)的飛速發(fā)展,各行各業(yè)信息化建設(shè)的發(fā)展及更新,越來(lái)越依賴(lài)計(jì)算機(jī)軟硬件和網(wǎng)絡(luò)系統(tǒng)。機(jī)房是企事業(yè)單位用于存放系統(tǒng)運(yùn)行所使用電子設(shè)備的地方。機(jī)房一般具有面積小、軟硬件資產(chǎn)密集、管理人員少的特點(diǎn)。企事業(yè)單位的不斷發(fā)展壯大促使機(jī)房數(shù)量不斷增多,且機(jī)房有分布較散的特點(diǎn),但對(duì)于機(jī)房監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)的性能要求越來(lái)越完善,用戶(hù)的需求越來(lái)越高。本文正是利用企業(yè)實(shí)現(xiàn)信息化建設(shè)的契機(jī),結(jié)合本人參加的"某廣電局微波站動(dòng)力環(huán)境機(jī)房監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)的開(kāi)發(fā)"項(xiàng)目,結(jié)合該項(xiàng)目要求,以及機(jī)房原有監(jiān)控現(xiàn)狀,得出用模塊化設(shè)計(jì)方法解決無(wú)人值守機(jī)房監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)的思路,設(shè)計(jì)并實(shí)現(xiàn)了無(wú)人值守機(jī)房監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)。論文完成的具體工作如下:(1)通過(guò)查詢(xún)相關(guān)資料,了解監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)應(yīng)用的背景以及意義,介紹了國(guó)內(nèi)外機(jī)房監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀及發(fā)展方向。(2)首先進(jìn)行系統(tǒng)的需求分析,其主要內(nèi)容包括機(jī)房監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)的總體需求以及各部分功能需求。然后,根據(jù)本系統(tǒng)的被控對(duì)象,明確系統(tǒng)軟件設(shè)計(jì)結(jié)構(gòu)以及目標(biāo)。(3)通過(guò)對(duì)本系統(tǒng)的整體結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)以及相關(guān)理論技術(shù)的研究,對(duì)系統(tǒng)進(jìn)一步詳細(xì)設(shè)計(jì)提供依據(jù)。以便提高系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)的可行性。然后,對(duì)監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)的各模塊進(jìn)行了詳細(xì)設(shè)計(jì),包括監(jiān)控端顯示模塊、報(bào)警處理模塊、遠(yuǎn)程控制模塊、視頻監(jiān)控模塊、參數(shù)配置模塊、指紋交接班模塊等各模塊進(jìn)行分別設(shè)計(jì)。(4)最后對(duì)機(jī)房監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)的軟件進(jìn)行測(cè)試,然后給出了幾個(gè)重要模塊的測(cè)試內(nèi)容以及測(cè)試方式。經(jīng)測(cè)試結(jié)果分析各模塊功能能夠達(dá)到監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)要求。基本實(shí)現(xiàn)了系統(tǒng)所需要的功能。本論文的研究重點(diǎn)在于對(duì)系統(tǒng)整體的方案設(shè)計(jì)以及對(duì)共享內(nèi)存管理機(jī)制的研究。對(duì)共享內(nèi)存管理機(jī)制的研究有有助于提高系統(tǒng)的實(shí)時(shí)性以及穩(wěn)定性。本系統(tǒng)使用Visual Studio 2013作為開(kāi)發(fā)環(huán)境與Mysql數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)進(jìn)行開(kāi)發(fā),采用模塊化設(shè)計(jì)方法,完成了對(duì)系統(tǒng)各功能模塊的詳細(xì)設(shè)計(jì)以及實(shí)現(xiàn)。文章最后對(duì)所做的工作進(jìn)行總結(jié)以及對(duì)下一步的工作進(jìn)行展望。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of computer technology, information processing technology and network communication technology, the development and update of information construction in various industries rely more and more on computer hardware and software and network system. The machine room is used by enterprises and institutions to store the electronic equipment used in the operation of the system. Computer rooms generally have small area, hardware and software assets intensive, management staff characteristics. With the development of enterprises and institutions, the number of computer rooms is increasing, and the computer rooms have the characteristics of scattered distribution, but the performance requirements of the computer room monitoring system are becoming more and more perfect, and the demand of users is becoming higher and higher. This paper takes advantage of the opportunity to realize the information construction of the enterprise, combines the project of "the development of the monitoring system of the power environment computer room of a microwave station of the radio and television bureau", the requirements of the project, and the original monitoring situation of the computer room. The idea of using modular design method to solve the monitoring system design of unattended computer room is obtained, and the monitoring system of unattended computer room is designed and realized. The specific work accomplished in this paper is as follows: (1) the background and significance of the application of the monitoring system are understood by querying the relevant information, and the present situation and development direction of the monitoring system at home and abroad are introduced. (2) firstly, the requirement analysis of the system is carried out. The main contents include the overall requirements of the computer room monitoring system and the functional requirements of each part. Then, according to the controlled object of the system, the design structure and goal of the system software are defined. (3) through the research of the whole structure design and the related theory technology of the system, it provides the basis for the further detailed design of the system. In order to improve the feasibility of system design. Then, the modules of the monitoring system are designed in detail, including the monitor terminal display module, alarm processing module, remote control module, video monitoring module, parameter configuration module. The fingerprint shift module and other modules are designed. (4) finally, the software of the computer room monitoring system is tested, and then the test contents and test methods of several important modules are given. By analyzing the test results, the function of each module can meet the design requirements of the monitoring system. The basic function of the system is realized. The focus of this thesis is on the design of the whole system and the shared memory management mechanism. The research of shared memory management mechanism is helpful to improve the real-time and stability of the system. The system uses Visual Studio 2013 as the development environment and Mysql database to develop. The modular design method is used to complete the detailed design and implementation of each functional module of the system. Finally, the paper summarizes the work done and looks forward to the next work.


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