

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-20 08:23
【摘要】:全球經(jīng)濟在近年來發(fā)展迅速,我國在實行改革開放后,很快加入了經(jīng)濟高速發(fā)展時期。盡管近年來我國發(fā)展整體呈現(xiàn)出新常態(tài),各地空港開發(fā)區(qū)項目還是吸引了眾多投資商,把握好這些投資商,系統(tǒng)高效地運行空港開發(fā)項目,不僅可以管理好已經(jīng)投資的項目,還能有效促進其他未投資項目的投資進行。這是經(jīng)濟長期發(fā)展的需要,也能讓項目流程管理在實踐中不斷完善。本文要介紹的空港開發(fā)區(qū)項目流程管理系統(tǒng)的源代碼控制系統(tǒng)采用時下較為流行的SVN技術,它的分支結構很快就取代了傳統(tǒng)的CVS,本系統(tǒng)在多個部門多位工作人員的共同努力下面世,這毫無例外的體現(xiàn)團隊協(xié)作的重要性,而各個部門之間既相互聯(lián)系又責任明確,任務分工,提高效率,縮短周期。本文從背景出發(fā),介紹了空港開發(fā)區(qū)項目流程管理系統(tǒng)的意義,并從國內外現(xiàn)有研究總結了這類項目流程管理的集成化、工作流化、專業(yè)化,標準化和規(guī)范化這些發(fā)展趨勢。本文還對一般項目流程進行系統(tǒng)分析,通過現(xiàn)狀,分析存在的問題有缺乏統(tǒng)一的工作平臺、管理混亂、人性化功能欠缺等,并針對這些問題分析背后的原因。接著本文就對空港開發(fā)區(qū)項目流程進行需求分析,分別從總體需求、功能需求以及非功能需求三個大模塊出發(fā)設計系統(tǒng)的功能。在前面工作的基礎上對系統(tǒng)進行總體設計詳細設計以及數(shù)據(jù)庫的設計。最后通過使用java以及SQL Server 2010進行系統(tǒng)的實現(xiàn)。并結合實際對系統(tǒng)從基礎性、功能性、安全性等多方面進行描述。同時本文對系統(tǒng)測試方法進行了分析,主要包括單元測試、功能測試和兼容性測試三種,確保系統(tǒng)的穩(wěn)定運行?崭坶_發(fā)區(qū)最為重要的工作就是對于整個流程系統(tǒng)的管理和操作,由于整個系統(tǒng)的設計開發(fā)與我們目前的工作和項目需求息息相關。所以,系統(tǒng)之中每個功能都是十分重要的,我們的理念是盡量使得操作簡單清晰,操作界面則是要求美觀與便利性共存,簡單的操作還能有極致的視覺享受,是當前整個行業(yè)的共同追求?崭坶_發(fā)區(qū)項目流程管理系統(tǒng)可以對空港開發(fā)區(qū)招商引資工作帶一定的推力,實現(xiàn)空港開發(fā)區(qū)經(jīng)濟的跨越式發(fā)展。
[Abstract]:The global economy has developed rapidly in recent years. Although the overall development of our country has shown a new normal in recent years, many investors have been attracted to the projects of the regional airport development zones. To grasp these investors well and run the airport development projects in a systematic and efficient manner, we can not only manage the projects that have already been invested, It can also effectively promote the investment of other uninvested projects. This is the need of long-term economic development and can make project process management perfect in practice. The source code control system of the project flow management system of the Airport Development Zone is introduced in this paper. The popular SVN technology is adopted, and its branch structure soon replaces the traditional CVS,. The system comes out with the joint efforts of many departments and staff, which without exception reflects the importance of teamwork, and each department is not only interrelated but also clear responsibility, division of tasks, improve efficiency, shorten the period. Based on the background, this paper introduces the significance of the project process management system in the Airport Development Zone, and summarizes the development trends of the integration, workflow, specialization, standardization and standardization of this kind of project process management from the existing research at home and abroad. This article also carries on the system analysis to the general project flow, through the present situation, analyzes the existence question to have the lack of the unified work platform, the management confusion, the humanity function insufficiency and so on, and analyzes the reason behind these problems. Then this paper analyzes the requirements of the project flow of the Airport Development Zone and designs the functions of the system from three modules: total demand functional demand and non-functional demand. On the basis of the previous work, the system is designed in detail and the database is designed. Finally, the system is implemented by using java and SQL Server 2010. And combined with the actual system from the basic, functional, security and other aspects of the description. At the same time, the system testing methods are analyzed, including unit test, function test and compatibility test to ensure the stable operation of the system. The most important task of the Airport Development Zone is to manage and operate the whole process system, because the design and development of the whole system is closely related to our current work and project requirements. Therefore, each function in the system is very important, our idea is to make the operation as simple as possible, the operation interface is to require beauty and convenience coexistence, simple operation can also have the ultimate visual enjoyment. It is the common pursuit of the whole industry. The project flow management system of Airport Development Zone (ADA) can push the investment attraction of ADA to a certain extent and realize the economic development of ADA by leaps and bounds.


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4 陳林;崔U,




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