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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-07 13:13
【摘要】:仿生物結(jié)構(gòu)的足式機(jī)器人擁有許多潛在的應(yīng)用價值,在機(jī)器人研究領(lǐng)域占據(jù)重要的地位。但是足式機(jī)器人在行走過程中,因地面反作用力的沖擊,整個身體會產(chǎn)生自下而上的振動。過大的振動會嚴(yán)重影響機(jī)器人上身平臺搭載設(shè)備的正常工作,同時也將限制機(jī)器人的行走速度。因此研究足式機(jī)器人小腿平臺的減振技術(shù),緩沖或抑制地面的沖擊對機(jī)器人上身平臺造成的振動影響具有重要的意義。目前廣泛采用的被動減振技術(shù)對低頻振動的抑制效果無法滿足實際應(yīng)用的需求,因此,本文結(jié)合主動減振適用于中低頻段振動抑制的特點,將基于音圈電機(jī)作動器的主動減振技術(shù)應(yīng)用到足式機(jī)器人小腿減振過程中,為抑制沖擊并衰減機(jī)器人上身平臺的振動提出一種主被動聯(lián)合減振的新方法。首先,分析了減振小腿的工作特性并設(shè)計了帶摩擦力模型的減振小腿模型,同時建立了音圈電機(jī)作動器的數(shù)學(xué)模型。構(gòu)建了以上身平臺振動加速度和下平臺位置為反饋信號的主被動聯(lián)合減振控制系統(tǒng),采用不同形式的沖擊信號對被動減振和主被動聯(lián)合減振下的系統(tǒng)振動抑制能力及抗干擾能力進(jìn)行了分析。其次,通過ADAMS建立了帶摩擦力擾動的虛擬樣機(jī)模型對減振小腿平臺的振動抑制能力進(jìn)行優(yōu)化。設(shè)計了 ADAMS與MATLAB聯(lián)合仿真下的音圈電機(jī)模型,以上身平臺振動加速度為控制目標(biāo),進(jìn)行了主動減振控制算法的研究。然后,設(shè)計了減振小腿平臺的控制軟件系統(tǒng),采用了模塊化程序設(shè)計方法在CCS6.0中完成了控制系統(tǒng)軟件的設(shè)計與編寫。最后,基于減振小腿平臺及硬件控制系統(tǒng),進(jìn)行了被動減振實驗,同時分別采用PID控制器和自抗擾控制器進(jìn)行了主被動聯(lián)合減振的實驗研究。實驗結(jié)果表明,基于自抗擾控制的減振小腿平臺的主被動聯(lián)合減振在提高了減振小腿平臺的振動抑制能力,增強(qiáng)了減振小腿平臺的抗干擾能力,為機(jī)器人行走優(yōu)化提供了 一種新方法。
[Abstract]:Biomimetic foot robot has many potential applications and plays an important role in the field of robot research. But during walking, the whole body will vibrate from bottom to top because of the impact of ground reaction. Excessive vibration will seriously affect the normal operation of the robot's upper platform equipment, and will also limit the robot's walking speed. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the vibration reduction technology of the leg platform of the foot robot, to buffer or suppress the impact of the ground on the vibration of the platform of the upper body of the robot. At present, the passive vibration reduction technology widely used can not meet the needs of practical application. Therefore, this paper combines the characteristics of active vibration reduction in low and medium frequency band vibration suppression. The active vibration reduction technology based on the voice coil motor actuator is applied to the leg vibration reduction of the foot robot. A new method of active and passive joint vibration reduction is proposed to suppress the shock and attenuate the vibration of the robot's upper body platform. Firstly, the working characteristics of the shank are analyzed, and the model of the shank with friction model is designed, and the mathematical model of the motor actuator is established. Based on the vibration acceleration of the upper platform and the position of the lower platform as the feedback signal, the combined active and passive vibration control system is constructed. The vibration suppression ability and anti-interference ability of the system under passive and combined active and passive damping are analyzed by using different shock signals. Secondly, a virtual prototype model with friction disturbance is established by ADAMS to optimize the vibration suppression ability of the shank platform. The sound coil motor model under the joint simulation of ADAMS and MATLAB is designed. The vibration acceleration of the platform is the control target. The active vibration control algorithm is studied. Then, the control software system of the shank platform is designed, and the software of the control system is designed and written in CCS6.0 by using the modular programming method. Finally, based on the platform of shank and hardware control system, the passive vibration reduction experiment is carried out. At the same time, the PID controller and the auto disturbance rejection controller are used to study the combined active and passive vibration reduction. The experimental results show that the combined active and passive vibration reduction of the shank platform based on active disturbance rejection control can improve the vibration suppression ability of the shank platform and enhance the anti-interference ability of the shank platform. It provides a new method for robot walking optimization.


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