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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-05 19:59
[Abstract]:With the development and popularization of Internet technology, the network environment is becoming more and more complex. In an open network, how to ensure communication security is an important issue today. Based on cryptography, network security protocol realizes communication security in open network environment, which is the basis of network information security. Due to the importance of security protocol, the rationality and correctness of its own design has become an important content of network security research. This paper attempts to use the formal method Event-B to model and verify the secure socket layer handshake protocol on the Rodin platform. In this paper, the concept of formal method is introduced, and the contents of secure network protocol and its properties are summarized. Then the formal method Event-B and its tool Rodin are briefly introduced. Secondly, this paper analyzes the architecture, working principle and security mechanism of secure socket layer protocol inn, and probes into handshake protocol. Then, the requirements of the protocol are extracted, and the model refinement strategy is formulated. Based on this, a preliminary modeling analysis of the handshake protocol is carried out. Then we try to model and analyze the public key authenticity verification process and the situation in which the attacker is involved. Finally, with the help of the automatic proof and interactive certification mechanism of Rodin platform, we try to verify the correctness of the model. The results of this paper show that the analysis and verification of handshake protocol using Event-B method is more effective, and the process of model refinement is more beneficial to the in-depth understanding of the protocol. Under certain conditions, the protocol has authentication and confidentiality, and the mechanism of the protocol itself can effectively detect the attacks against message tampering classes. In this paper, the SSL handshake protocol is modeled and the whole stack can be analyzed in the future.


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