

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-04 19:43
【摘要】:仿人機器人是研究人類智能的高級平臺,它是綜合了機械、電子、傳感器、計算機、人工智能、控制技術、仿生學等多種學科的智能機械結構。隨著機器人技術的成熟,仿人機器人在我們的生活中起到了越來越重要的作用,已成為當前機器人領域中的熱點研究方向之一。因此,對仿人機器人的研究有著重要的意義。機器人足球賽是當前仿人機器人領域研究中的熱門方向,它涉及了模式識別、機器人學、多智能體系統(tǒng)等多個技術學科。本文以當前影響力最大的RoboCup機器人足球賽標準平臺組比賽為背景,針對NAO機器人對目標的視覺識別和自身動作的運動學設計問題進行了一系列的研究。首先,本文介紹了 NAO機器人硬件結構和軟件開發(fā)平臺,并對提出了 NAO機器人目標識別相關的圖像處理算法,并對機器人的相機進行了標定;然后針對NAO機器人的下肢結構及運動系統(tǒng),基于此建立了 NAO機器人的雙下肢運動學模型,實現(xiàn)了對NAO機器人正運動學問題的求解;最后將提出的方法進行場地測試,通過實驗論證了本文中所提出的算法的正確性和有效性。
[Abstract]:Humanoid robot is an advanced platform for the study of human intelligence. It is an intelligent mechanical structure which integrates mechanical, electronic, sensor, computer, artificial intelligence, control technology, bionics and so on. With the development of robot technology, humanoid robot plays a more and more important role in our life, and has become one of the hot research directions in the field of robot. Therefore, the study of humanoid robot is of great significance. Robot soccer is a hot research field in the field of humanoid robot. It involves many technical subjects such as pattern recognition, robotics, multi-agent system and so on. In this paper, based on the most influential RoboCup robot soccer standard platform group competition as the background, a series of research on the visual recognition and kinematics design of the NAO robot to the target is carried out. Firstly, the hardware structure and software development platform of NAO robot are introduced, and the image processing algorithm related to target recognition of NAO robot is proposed, and the camera of the robot is calibrated. Then, aiming at the lower limb structure and motion system of NAO robot, the kinematics model of NAO robot is established, and the forward kinematics problem of NAO robot is solved. Finally, the proposed method is tested on the site, and the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm are proved by experiments.


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