

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-01 20:43
[Abstract]:With the improvement of intelligent level of agricultural machinery, the research of autonomous operation of unmanned agricultural machinery is developing rapidly. Monitoring the working condition and planting quality of transplanter in real time and accurately, and alarming in time in case of failure are the important guarantee of high efficiency and safe operation of transplanter, which can effectively improve the working efficiency and reduce the hidden danger of safety. In this paper, a remote monitoring system for unmanned transplanter is designed, which is composed of two parts: the airborne terminal and the remote monitoring center of the transplanter. The communication system is based on C / S architecture. The transplanter collects the working condition detection information, the location information and the seedling planting quality information after processing the image algorithm, and uploads it to the remote monitoring center through the GPRS network. The remote monitoring center displays the airborne working condition information in real time in the form of man-machine interface, and visualizes its working position and planting quality on the map. In addition, the abnormal data can be alerted and ordered to control the transplanter. First of all, the paper describes the research status of unmanned transplanter and remote monitoring system at home and abroad, and puts forward the overall design scheme of the system based on the analysis of the functional requirements of the airborne terminal and remote monitoring center. The structure and working principle of the system are introduced, and the GPS,GIS,GPRS and Socket technology involved in the development of the system are summarized. Secondly, the whole frame of the airborne terminal of the transplanter is built. The industrial control computer is used as the airborne processor, the external GPS receiver, the GPRS communication module, the camera and the data acquisition card. The hardware function module of the airborne terminal is selected and designed. On this basis, the software flow chart of airborne terminal software is designed by using VC development environment, which mainly includes the classification and processing of all kinds of working condition information of the collecting transplanter, the software realization of communication program, and the use of image matching. Image segmentation and BP neural network are used to detect and process the state of the collected seedling map. Then, on the basis of the hardware and software design of the transplanter's airborne terminal, the corresponding remote monitoring center is designed. The design and implementation of remote monitoring center are introduced in detail around database, server and monitoring client. The data communication and remote control are accomplished by using Socket and multithread technology, and the data received are stored and managed by database technology. In addition, a good man-machine interface of monitoring client is developed by using VC, and the real-time positioning display of transplanter and the visual presentation of seedling planting quality map are realized by using GIS technology. Finally, the main hardware modules of the transplanter are tested, and each function module of the monitoring system is debugged. It is verified that the monitoring system basically realizes the function of real-time monitoring of remote working transplanter.


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