

發(fā)布時間:2018-10-29 21:33
【摘要】:多軸直角坐標機械手廣泛應用于搬運、裝配、焊機、涂膠等工業(yè)領(lǐng)域,有著廣闊的發(fā)展前景。對直角坐標機械手的控制涉及到多個方面的內(nèi)容,需要保證控制系統(tǒng)的穩(wěn)定性、控制精度等。本文針對直角坐標機械手的控制做了相應的研究與設計,主要包括控制系統(tǒng)總體架構(gòu)設計,機械手軌跡規(guī)劃研究,機械手速度規(guī)劃及加減速度控制研究以及系統(tǒng)的軟硬件設計。本文主要包含三個部分內(nèi)容,第一部分具體分析了常見運動控制系統(tǒng)控制架構(gòu),并設計了"觸摸屏+專用多軸運動控制器+伺服驅(qū)動系統(tǒng)"的直角坐標機械手控制系統(tǒng)架構(gòu)。第二部分重點研究了直角坐標機械手軌跡規(guī)劃問題。分析了 Bezier曲線擬合算法及其優(yōu)缺點,在其基礎(chǔ)上研究了反算控制的B樣條曲線擬合算法,通過仿真實驗驗證了該算法能夠克服Bezier曲線算法的不具備局部性的缺點,滿足直角坐標機械手的軌跡控制要求;此外還研究了直角坐標機械手在三維空間中的插補控制算法包括空間直線插補和空間矢量圓弧插補,仿真驗證了算法的有效性,為機械手的實際控制提供了理論基礎(chǔ)。第三部分具體分析了常見加減速算法模型的優(yōu)缺點,以梯形加減速模型為基礎(chǔ),結(jié)合前瞻控制思想,提出了機械手連續(xù)小線段路徑速度規(guī)劃方法,并通過仿真驗證該算法提高了機械手平臺的運行效率。另外基于S型加減速模型,提出一種預加減速策略,保證直角坐標機械手在加工路徑的起點和終點速度保持為給定的工藝加工速度;并且給出了多段連續(xù)加工路徑銜接點處速度規(guī)劃策略,經(jīng)仿真驗證表明該控制策略能夠保證路徑連接點速度保持為工藝加工設定速度,從而改善機械手加工效果,降低對機械手平臺的沖擊,該控制方法簡單高效,具有很高的實用價值。本文最后對直角坐標機械手軟硬件設計做了說明。介紹了驅(qū)動器信號接線、I/O接線、伺服驅(qū)動器設置。給出了多軸運動控制器程序包括主程序、回原點程序、示教程序設計流程,并設計了機械手觸摸屏控制界面。
[Abstract]:Multi-axis Cartesian manipulator is widely used in industrial fields such as handling, assembling, welding machine, glue coating and so on. The control of Cartesian manipulator involves many aspects, so it is necessary to ensure the stability and precision of the control system. This paper studies and designs the control of Cartesian manipulators, including the overall architecture of the control system, the trajectory planning of the manipulator, the speed planning and the speed control of the manipulator, as well as the software and hardware design of the system. This paper mainly includes three parts. In the first part, the control architecture of common motion control system is analyzed in detail, and the control system architecture of "multi-axis motion controller servo drive system for touch screen" is designed. The second part focuses on the trajectory planning of rectangular manipulator. Based on the analysis of Bezier curve fitting algorithm and its advantages and disadvantages, the B-spline curve fitting algorithm of inverse control is studied. The simulation results show that the algorithm can overcome the shortcoming of Bezier curve algorithm without locality. Meet the trajectory control requirements of Cartesian manipulator; In addition, the interpolation control algorithms of Cartesian manipulators in three-dimensional space are studied, including spatial linear interpolation and space vector circular arc interpolation. The simulation results show the validity of the algorithm and provide a theoretical basis for the practical control of the manipulator. In the third part, the advantages and disadvantages of common acceleration and deceleration algorithm models are analyzed in detail. Based on trapezoidal acceleration and deceleration model, a path speed planning method for continuous small segment of manipulator is proposed, which is based on trapezoidal acceleration and deceleration model and combined with the idea of forward looking control. The simulation results show that the algorithm improves the efficiency of the manipulator platform. In addition, based on the S-type acceleration and deceleration model, a pre-acceleration and deceleration strategy is proposed to ensure that the starting and ending speeds of the Cartesian manipulator are kept at the given processing speed. The speed planning strategy at the junction point of multi-segment continuous machining path is given. The simulation results show that the control strategy can ensure that the velocity of the path connecting point can be kept as the set speed of the process, thus improving the machining effect of the manipulator. The control method is simple and efficient and has high practical value. Finally, the software and hardware design of rectangular manipulator is explained. The driver signal connection, I / O connection and servo driver setting are introduced. The program of the multi-axis motion controller includes the main program, the program of returning the origin, the design flow of the teaching program, and the control interface of the touch screen of the manipulator.


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