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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-26 14:05
[Abstract]:The standardized use of the "three public" funds is an important symbol of a clean and efficient government, and also an important object of public opinion supervision in the new media era. It is of great significance to analyze the effectiveness of public opinion supervision of the "three public" funds in the new media era for standardizing the use of the "three public funds" in our country and improving the level of public opinion supervision. This paper takes the effectiveness of public opinion supervision of the "three public" funds in the new media era as the research object, and takes the three typical cases of the "three public" funds supervision in the new media era as "the incident of the officials of the notary office in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province, who ate the hairy crab". "Shenzhen City Administration went abroad to participate in the Botanical Congress", "Hunan Guiyang Procuratorate's bus private use of human deaths" as the analysis materials, comprehensive use of literature research, case studies, comparative research method, This paper puts forward the connotation of the validity of the supervision of public opinion on the "three public" funds in the new media era, the factors influencing the effectiveness of the supervision of the public opinion on the "three public" funds in the new media era and the prospect of enhancing the effectiveness of the supervision of the public opinion on the "three public" funds in the future. Based on the above ideas, this paper is divided into six chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, the second chapter is the related concepts and theoretical basis; The third chapter is the connotation of the effectiveness of public opinion supervision of the "three public" funds in the new media era, that is, the unity of freedom and norm, the unity of timeliness, convenience and truthfulness, the unity of positive propaganda and exposure of ugliness, and the unity of reflecting problems and solving problems. The unity of the new media disclosure and the traditional media follow-up and the unity of the new media public opinion supervision and the national legal supervision; The fourth chapter is the multi-case analysis of the effectiveness of public opinion supervision of the "three public" funds in the new media era, that is, the six unified standards of the above chapter, one by one, analyze the three classic cases; The fifth chapter is the influencing factors of the effectiveness of public opinion supervision of "three public" funds in the new media era, that is, based on the analysis of the previous chapter, the author summarizes the factors of laws and regulations, media literacy, and joint efforts to report. Four influencing factors, such as national coordination factors; The sixth chapter is the prospect of enhancing the effectiveness of public opinion supervision in the future, that is, aiming at the four influencing factors summed up in the previous chapter, the author puts forward scientific legislation to promote the rule of law of public opinion supervision. There are four countermeasures and suggestions: to promote the rationalization of public opinion supervision by media literacy education, to promote the specialization of public opinion supervision by the interaction between new media and traditional media, and to promote the effectiveness of public opinion supervision with the active assistance of state organs.


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