

發(fā)布時間:2018-10-25 08:33
[Abstract]:Handwritten signature authentication, as a biometric authentication technology, has been widely accepted and applied in finance, law, commerce and so on. At present, handwritten signature authentication techniques based on English, Arabic and Chinese have obtained more mature research results, while Uighur based handwritten signature verification is still in an initial stage in this field. Therefore, the further study of Uygur handwritten signature authentication is of great practical application and practical value in making up for and perfecting the off-line signature authentication system of minority nationalities in China. This paper mainly focuses on Uygur handwritten signature authentication technology in off-line state. The research work includes three parts: signature sample collection and pretreatment, feature extraction, classification and authentication. In the preprocessing stage, the noise and interference signals on the signature image are overcome by grayscale, binarization, smooth denoising, normalization and so on. In the phase of feature extraction, according to the writing style and characteristics of Uygur handwritten signature, four different scans are performed on each signature sample image to propose a 16-dimensional directional feature. Secondly, based on the feature extraction method of directional features, an improved 48-dimensional directional feature is proposed based on the statistic of the black pixel information of signature handwriting in six different directions. Finally, based on the energy, entropy, moment of inertia and local stationarity of the gray level co-occurrence matrix, the feature weighted fusion method is used to extract the fusion features and determine the optimal weights suitable for Uygur handwritten signature authentication. In the phase of classification and authentication of signature images, three distance classifiers, Euclidean distance, chi-square distance and Manhattan distance, are used for the two directional features proposed in this paper. The weighted fusion feature of gray level co-occurrence matrix is verified by BP neural network. In the experiment, 900 handwritten signature samples of 15 people (20 original signature samples / 20 simple imitation pseudo-signature samples per person / 20 skilled imitation pseudo-signature samples / each) were selected from the Uygur handwritten signature sample database. Finally, the highest signature authentication rate obtained by the three signature authentication methods used in this paper is 88.61% and 91.78% respectively.


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