

發(fā)布時間:2018-10-18 10:06
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of information society and positioning technology, location-based services have become an indispensable part of life, and make people's lives more convenient. At the same time, people will also be faced with the issue of trajectory privacy leakage. Due to the increasing attention to trajectory privacy, the protection of trajectory privacy has become a hot topic. However, the traditional trajectory privacy protection technology has some limitations and defects. For this reason, Dwork proposed differential privacy protection technology in 2006, which quickly attracted the attention of scholars at home and abroad, and applied it to the field of trajectory privacy protection. Trajectory data distribution method based on differential privacy protection can effectively protect trajectory privacy. However, there are still some problems to be solved in the existing differential privacy protection methods. On the one hand, in the existing differential privacy protection methods, adding random noise mechanism is used to realize differential privacy protection, and the problem of adding noise is not controllable. On the other hand, the traditional path privacy protection method lacks the corresponding post-processing technology. Therefore, adding appropriate amount of noise and designing post-processing technology are the key factors to improve the usability of release trajectory data, which is the problem that needs to be solved in this paper. In order to solve the problem of adding random noise and related post-processing techniques in existing differential privacy protection methods, a new path privacy protection method based on statistical difference is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the sensitivity of the corresponding position node is calculated according to the Markov process characteristic of the locus, and then the appropriate Laplace noise is added by using the sensitivity of the position node and the corresponding sensitivity threshold. The noise prefix tree is constructed. Finally, the corresponding post-processing technique, consistency constraint, is designed and implemented, and the noise prefix tree is optimized to improve the usability of the published track data. The experimental results show that the path privacy protection method based on statistical difference not only realizes differential privacy protection, but also effectively improves the availability of the number of published trajectories.


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