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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-16 12:40
[Abstract]:Target tracking has important scientific research value, and is widely used in video surveillance, intelligent transportation and so on. In recent years, it has been a hot issue in machine vision research. Many algorithms have been proposed for target tracking. Although these tracking algorithms have some robustness, the visual target tracking is still a difficult problem because the appearance of the target is easily affected by illumination, occlusion and other external factors in the tracking process. As a research hotspot in signal field, compression sensing theory has been widely used in the field of tracking because of its advantages of simplicity, efficiency and real-time. It is proved by the research that the low dimensional compression signal obtained by compression sensing technology can basically retain all the characteristics of the original signal, thus greatly improving the computational efficiency on the premise of guaranteeing the calculation accuracy. The tracking algorithm based on compressed sensing theory can obtain fast and robust tracking results. However, in obtaining the multi-scale representation of the image and generating the high-dimensional feature of the target, this algorithm does not consider that the effective feature generated by the filter decreases gradually with the increase of the size of the filter. At the same time, when measuring the similarity between the target and the candidate samples, the algorithm simply superposes the classification results of each weak classifier, and the processing strategy is too single. When the external factors such as illumination and occlusion affect the appearance of the target, it is easy to reduce the tracking accuracy and make the results deviate. In order to solve the above problems, this paper proposes a feature weighted fast compressed perceptual target tracking algorithm, which obtains tracking by generating accurate high-dimensional features and more efficient similarity measurement mechanism. The main work is as follows: (1) Learning compressed perception theory is studied. We deeply understand the theory of sparse representation of signals, design the method and classification of observation matrix, reconstruct the signal algorithm and reduce the dimension of compression perception. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the compression tracking algorithm, find the shortcomings of the compression tracking algorithm and analyze and solve it. (2) according to the filter size, an adaptive weighting strategy is proposed to extract the multi-scale feature of the sample. Then high dimensional feature description is generated. This method can solve the problem that the valid features of the obtained samples decrease gradually with the increase of filter size. (3) considering the superposition of each weak classifier and the possibility that each dimension of the candidate sample is classified as the target compressed feature, an efficient similarity measurement mechanism is proposed. This method solves the problem that the similarity between sample and target is simple. Compared with the existing compression tracking algorithms in several test video sequences, the results show that the proposed algorithm has better tracking performance.


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